The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, rise and shine, it's Monday again and two days away from Cinco de Mayo. Don't know about this year, but in the past, just about every Mexican restaurant in town, (except Taco Bell), has added dining space in their parking lots. Very festive, very noisy, a good time to go to your local Italian restaurant, or do as I do and stay home.

Looking at temps around 90 for the next week or so. Decent and around average. Not a drop of rain in the forecast for at least the next couple of weeks, I guess I can get the truck washed. The last time I did, it sprinkled for a few milliseconds that night, enough to mess it up again. Waiting

Take care and have a great week.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Lite rain this morning ending around noon time.
Twas in the 80s Sunday, 60s for today.
I had a very nice afternoon with some train club members. We ran some trains and got caught up on some chit-chat.
All four of us have had the shots.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Slept till 8:30. Wifey slept later. undefined 75 and partly cloudy. May or may not have a shower of rain this afternoon. Need rain [remember when we couldn't get it to stop raining]. Cooked red hot sausages and egg. Probably mow [growing grass and clover with it dry. Honey bees around].

Hope all went well Jim C. 

Caddy back to dealer [yes again] for a reprograming of park assist. Probably 30 min wait.

May or may not go to Lowes and get conduit and etc. for deer feeder rebuild. Another bear[2] on Fred's camera and the one near the back road. That one[s] did not touch feeder but was scrounging around on the ground. Could put electric fence charger on top with one of our big batteries [that is really what they are for] and screw insulators around outer bottom. Zap her if she touches the wire.

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning, the forecast for the next few months, "Hot with plenty of sunshine". Makes 65 degrees in the early morning feel like an arctic storm. It's coming, soon the low temps for the day will be in the 90's, been there and no, you really never get use to it.

Got a busy day today, but I am working a bit on some layout scenery. Even got some track ballasted yesterday.

Have a great day, stay safe and do something that makes you happy or just feel good... Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Bright sunshine and cool temperatures are the weather plan for today. 40 right now headed for 60 this afternoon. Could be a little breezy with winds up to 25 mph.

Routine day yesterday - gym, bike ride, and some laundry. This morning I'll be headed out for some shopping and maybe a quick run through the car wash. Maybe a bike ride this afternoon depending on the wind.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning.  78 and sunny.  Chance of thunderstorms later.  Got .14 inches of rain yesterday.  Mow today.  Go pickup conduit and etc. to repair deer feeder and hope make it bear proof.

Sam crossing the concrete from one of Wifey's garden to the house.  Finn walks right by him and he ignores Finn.  Finn ignores him.  Buddies.  Our only concern is all the bird houses and nests full of little ones.  

[Image: enhance]

Wifey off to work.

Slept till 8.  Cherry turnover for breakfast

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
63 and fair. High 80's to 90. Off to the woods for the day. Hope it is a short one in the woods. Got 3 helpers.

Have a great day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and ridiculously cool in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. 35 headed for 60. Supposed to be cool all week. Should be in the low 70s by this time of year.

Very quiet day yesterday. Walmart run and a short bike ride. Also got the bills paid so the house and contents are mine for another month. Also got the check for my son's 401K. Equally divided among the other three and a check is in the mail to each of them.

Frank - that's another reason I don't want to move south. I've been terrified of snakes of any kind all my life. In the 40+ years I've lived in this house I've seen one garter snake. Made the kids mow the yard for a month afterwards.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 58 and looking like rain. High is supposed to be 67. Radar is showing storms heading this way.

Yesterday was a long day. I confirmed that our refrigerator is dying as the freezer will not maintain temperature. It currently varies from 36 to 40. I have transferred its contents to the basement freezer. Thus far the other side is staying cold, but I don’t know for how much longer.

After doing some household chores I headed to Home Depot. No pumps for the fishpond to be found. All the refrigerators in the store are too tall for the space we have. I did find a couple online, so all is not lost yet. Probably be ordering one tonight or tomorrow.

Just after dinner the dog decided to take a dip in the pond. I pulled him out and we gave him a warm bath. Used to opportunity to groom him some. He ate his dinner and passed out for the night. He is doing fine this morning.

With all the fun I was having I never got any modeling done. Maybe some today.

I have to make a pharmacy run at some point today. I might drop by a nursey to see if they still carry pond supplies. There is an appliance store on the way I might visit.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, busy day yesterday, went up to the Cottonwood/Sedona area yesterday. Had to go up I-17, they have done nothing to that freeway since they built it some 40 years ago. Two lanes of curves and hills and a bunch of crazy drivers. I'm being pushed by impatient drivers and looked at my speedometer and I was going 90 in a 75 mph zone. Backed off, let them fight it out. Hard to do when there's only two lanes, both going like it was the Autobahn. Coming back, a truck had a blowout just as I was starting to pass. Fortunately, we were both able to maintain control with me driving though a pile of rubber. Never saw that before, the tire just exploded like a bomb. Glad to get back in one piece. Sedona is the beauty spot of the world with all the towering red rocks everywhere. Stopped by the Chapel of the Holy Cross, built high into those rocks. Very crowded there, but even so, very peaceful. Got everything done that I went there to do, so today is a day of rest and recuperation.

That's my story for the day, since I'm going to try to just sit, today may be a good time to finish my taxes. It's Cinco de Mayo, it's best to stay home anyway....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well Don You might just as well hunker down inside the house, forecast said it will hit 100 today. Way to early for that, but summer is coming . Going to try to get caught up on installs today. Got a number of to do’s to get out of the way. I am still fighting my computer to work with JMRI so I can use Decoder Pro. Boy has that been a fight! 5 weeks it has been not working and it seems like I have tried every thing under the sun to solve, but still no luck- maybe today?
Greetings, gang.

Thin clouds and 42 at the moment. The clouds are supposed to be relocating elsewhere and the temperature is supposed to rise to the mid 60s according to the plans laid out by the National Weather Service but you know how plans go. Winds predicted to hit near 30 mph today.

Very quiet day yesterday and today will be much the same.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, Jerry (woodone) was right on two counts. First, I did hunker down yesterday, and second, it did hit 100 for the first time this year. The earliest ever was on March 26, 1988, and last year holds the record for the most 100 degree days, 144. We are past the average start date, but it doesn't mean that we'll be having a mild summer.

I did little yesterday, even ate breakfast at home for a change. I didn't finish my taxes like I planned, although I did go find out how to send them what I owe. I just might go the modern route and do everything electronically.

Got an appointment later today, and that's my schedule. I am working on a scene that is not part of my challenge. I'm debating whether to start a new challenge or not. I have some loose ends that are too far along to use as a challenge, so we'll see.

Take care, stay safe and have a great day. Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is bright and chilly 50 heading up to a high of 63.

The lawn guy is supposed to be around today to mow the jungle and clean out and weed the gardens. He is going to throw some mulch down. He is running behind schedule due to all the rain we have had the last week or so.

I woke up yesterday with the chest muscle and shoulder bothering me, probably from pulling the dog out of pond. BTW he is doing fine. After I did a few chores, I put some mineral ice and took a couple of pain relivers. I laid down to take a short nap and slept for a couple of hours instead. Once I got moving, I did the runs to the pharmacies and stopped at Home Depot. There I got a new pump for the fishpond and looked at the refrigerators. Again the show floor models were too tall. Looks like I will be ordering online.

No modeling last night. I did spend some time trying to organize a bunch of online photos of a couple run byes.

Today I need to make a few appointments. I plan to install the pump in the filter box and get the filter back into the pond. After that I hope to work on the cinder conveyor.

I ordered some track from Trainworld the other day. They sent it out quickly. The package went from Brooklyn to the Metro NY Distribution Center. From there it went to South Jersey Distribution Center. They sent it to Philadelphia Distribution Center, who then sent it back to Brooklyn. I have no clues what USPS is doing lately. The one thing I know is any package going through the Philadelphia Distribution Center has a less than 50/50 chance of arriving on time. They have delayed numerous packages heading our way from a couple of days to three weeks. My wife has a package that has been delayed there since April 26th. If I am given a choice between USPS and UPS or Fed Ex I am not choosing USPS. End of today’s rant.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We went over to friend's place today and delivered a port-a-potty. We bought this last summer but found a better design when we looked for the disposable bags. Friend has a car that he can use the back of, when necessary.
Then we went for a walk on a park trail we haven't tried before, high above the Grand River in Kitchener (Doon).
I'm still sorting/clearing our files. Someone will have a nice long session with the shredder.
I did find my public and high school graduation certificates
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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