The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good Morning. 
         Praying for Frank. I miss his posts. Hope to see him make a complete recovery. 

          I have been missing in action here do to continued work on the 1981 motorhome I bought.  I am glad that so far everything I knew I had to fix was not as hard as I thought it would be. We are completely doing the interior. There was a little water damage that I wanted to fix and I have one side done now, A few studs were dry rotted from water but there was enough wood that wasn't damaged so it was an easy repair on the right side. We did clean and reseal the roof where it had been leaking. It had been fixed, but the fix stopped the leak but you just have to quit applying sealer and remove and start over at some point in time.  The big problem has been finding material. I bought what I thought was wood paneling (on line pick up in store ) and it turned out to be some kind of composite material that appears to be made from paper. I must find some wood. I don't want to use 1/4 in if I don't have to as it just adds more work for that extra 1/8 in in thickness and the stores here are out of 1/8 in plywood. Hardboard is too unforgiving in humid areas so I want to avoid that. 

         They are saying we will have a nice day today but storms are in the forecast for Tuesday. 

         Everyone have a great Monday.
Good morning good people, yup, it did rain yesterday, nope, none of it got this far west. Got to the I-17 and stopped except for a bunch up in Wickenberg, just to the north of  us.

Got an early morning appointment today, can either make breakfast at home, or wait until after my appointment. I watch some of these cooking shows and figure they need one where all the contestants are required to use pre-packaged food out of cans, boxes or frozen bags of stuff, and just have a microwave to cook it in. Another thing they need to invent are disposable pots and pans. They got the disposable dishes  and silverware down pretty good, I'd just like to cook dinner and not have to wash anything afterwards.

My son Pat is coming over after work to help me set up my new benchwork. Yesterday was cool, (around 93), so I was able to finish building to parts, just a bit of sanding before we assemble it. Got enough foam sheets left over to fit, so I'll be good to start adding track by tomorrow. Next big project, clean the garage, must have a half-ton of MDF dust on everything. Need a hazmat suite I think... Icon_e_surprised
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, muggy and 78 outside my window this morning. The high is predicted to be near 90.

Yesterday was fairly routine. Gym in the morning then after lunch I mowed the yard. I was sweating pretty good by the time I finished that so postponed the fertilizer til today. Just back from a bike ride before it gets really miserable out there. Up next is breakfast followed by a trip to Menards.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Back home from hospital. This is a slow process of recovery. Pneumonia again kick my butt.


TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
It's good to hear from you Frank. I am keeping you in my prayers. You will beat this animal I am sure. 
Greetings, gang.

One more muggy day in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 75 right now with 96% humidity. High near 90 again.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. I got the weed killer down and also put down some fertilizer. The weed killer was supposed to show results in 5 hours. I'll check it this morning to see if that's true. If not I'll spray again. While I was outside I started chatting with a neighbor. The humidity was so bad that I started sweating while just standing in the shade and talking.

A short bike ride is on the agenda this morning followed by a trip to the gym. Thursday night group is meeting on Wed. this week. Gas price when I went for my bike ride at 7 yesterday morning was $2.83. When I went to Menards at 9 it was $2.99.

Very happy to hear Frank is back home. Continuing prayers.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, really weird weather yesterday. TV news showed flooded streets and washes on the east side, one area got over 3" in a few hours, a big hole of no rain where we were right in the center. Another big storm up north heading our way around 5PM, dumped everything it had up in Wickenburg, no a drop our way. Today's forecast, low 90's, high humidity, maybe rain, likely not.

Got the benchwork extension up, almost finished cleaning up the garage yesterday, will work on both today, just really sweaty out there so I'm cleaning up in short bits. The power company advises me that I used 32% more energy last week than the week before. I wonder why, humidity is high enough to water the lawn so the A/C seems to never turn off.

Frank, good to see your back home. We wish you the best, sometimes the side affects are worse than the ailment. Take care, stay strong and you know you're in everyone's prayers.

Have a great day today everyone, do something that you enjoy while you're at it.... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning all.
        Continuing work on the vintage rv.  I knew there was a lot to do but so far everything has been less work than anticipated. The water damage has so far been easily repaired with one more section left to do.  I found some 4x8 plastic panels at the local bargain supply store that will be used for some of the inside roof panels and the lower section behind the table and booths. 

        Tom, I don't know how much weed spray you use but I can tell you some tricks about killing weeds. I did 4 miles of railroad for over 10 years and learned a lot.  We had knotweed to control as well as other stuff.  The big trick is to fool the weeds into thinking the weed killer is good for them so you don't want them to die fast. Let them circulate the chemicals all the way to the roots. I used broadleaf killer on the knotweed because I wanted the grasses to come back so it would have a harder time coming back but for a total kill I used roundup (or the TSC equivalent)( I mixed the glyphosate product at 1% (a gallon makes 128 gallons). I bought 2.5 gallons when I retired to do my driveway and fence line and I will have enough to do the first spray next year so it goes a long way. The best time to spray is about 2 weeks before the first frost when the plants are storing all they can for the winter dormant period.  I generally do a spray the middle of May and again the first of October here but your first frost is probably sooner. 

        We are looking at 2 hot humid days here so I plan on taking it slow. 
        I have already been for my 6 month blood draw for my semi-annual check up so I need another snack to refill after the fast  Icon_e_biggrin 

Prayers for all the folks that need to get back home, and praying that the cures for cancer are found and released. 
Made it to office. A little slow today. Meds. BUT shoulder blades hurting big time. 98 degrees in sun and heat index 112/114. Going to be a hot one.

My Colorado is on order. When? When I get able, will put pickup on sale. Can't drive so why not. Ordered the step down from Z what ever. Frankie will add the goodies plus some not on the fancy one.

Good to be home. COVID is horrible here. Hospitals full.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Frank: Glad to see you are getting around. Take it slow.
Like Don said, sometimes the meds and side effects and recovery are worse than the original ailment.

Became a bit more mechanized Monday... hearing aid. Got eyeglasses about 10 years ago. Trifocals. Can't see anything without them.
Now a hearing accessory... LOL Slowly going downhill...

Still plotting and planning on the layout Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and not as smoky/hazy this morning. Nor is it as humid. 64 at the moment headed for 86 later on. The a/c has already been shut off. Much cooler/less humid days for the next several days.

Yesterday was routine other than the Thursday group meeting on Wed. Everyone has stuff to do today. I'll be heading to Jefferson (about 40 minutes away) this evening for a car show. Otherwise a bike ride later this morning is the only item on the agenda.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, Frank, good to hear from you. Things are crazy all over the country,nay, the world. Hospitals are filling up, ER's are busy, yet you can walk up to any drug store or doctor's office and get a Covid-19 shot. No waiting there, but still 50% of the people choose not to get it. Why? Their rational is beyond belief.

Another big storm hit the east side, another came down from the north, but since we here live in an anti-rain bubble, we are the one area that shows no rain. Maybe that's not so bad, those to the east, north and south of us are digging out from their floods, some water rescues hit the national news. You've probably heard that if you're stranded in the desert, you can get water out of a cactus. We trimmed a few arms off of a cactus in my front yard, and it was heavy with water, even though we haven't had much rain this year. The water is kind of icky, but if you have no other choice, it's golden...

Heading out to Brenda's Kitchen this morning. The new owners have yet to introduce themselves to the regulars. Pretty soon, they won't have the chance, there are fewer and fewer showing up. By 6:00 the place is usually at least 75% full, yesterday there were only five of us there. They are not following the model that Brenda perfected some 20 years ago.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning 
I'm trying to get my butt moving as I want to get at least a little done today. My self starter seems to have an open circuit in the armature. 

Don, I don't know why folks think they can make a good thing better and then when it screws up they haven't a clue. I have heard the statement "when I start running things there are going to be changes made" more times than I care to mention and this usually means that someone isn't paying attention to what is being done that needs to be kept in the plan. Improvements can and should be made but geese, don't fix what isn't broken. 

We had rain here yesterday so the grass will probably need mowed tomorrow. 

Keep up the improvement Frank, wishing you the best. 
Good morning folks

Back from Virginia Beach and the Virginia heat and humidity followed us home. It is 81 going up to 95.

Had a nice relaxing time with some beach and ocean time. Found some good food. The town wasn't as crowded as I remember it being in August.

Unfortunately we came home to a problem. When my son got home from work yesterday he found the dog didn't eat and was having trouble standing. He called us as we were on the road. We had him take him to the emergency vet. Blood sugars were high. We picked up the dog on the way home. He is moving around but is still not eating. We are giving him an apatite enticer. Vet said it might take a day or two to work. We are watching his sugars.

I have a bunch of catching up to do.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Afternoon. 103 in the sun and 122 heat index. All fine. Just got back to the office. Fred came for a visit [1 1/2 hrs.]. Good visit. Wifey is in from outside "work". O2 doing good. Feel good. Doing my breathing treatments.

Another hunting partner coming for a visit.

TomPM, prayers your son's dog gets better.  Sugar may be just it. 

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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