The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

It's a cloudy 64 outside my window this morning with an anticipated high in the low to mid 70s. Warming trend starts tomorrow.

At noon there's something called a brown bag briefing at noon at the public library then at 3 is an"Active Aging" fair downtown. Then at 4:30 is my weekly group. I don't know what the noon thing is about but the 3 o'clock thing will feature a talk by the county conservationist. Could be interesting. Anyway, it will get me out of the house for a while.

Continuing prayers for Frank.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, looking at a cooling trend, low 70's over the weekend, then mid-80's for a while. I think it's OK to get the truck into the car wash, that's a win-win. Either I wind up with a clean vehicle, or it'll rain.

Went to Costco yesterday, paper towels, limit 1 package. TP, limit 0, totally out of stock. If they're smart, they'll put guards in the restrooms. What's with people there, I can go to Walmart and see shelves stocked with both, no fighting over the last few packages. Costco also has their Christmas trees and decorations up. Word is out that there is going to be a shortage of both real and artificial trees this year. I can see it now, some folks with four or five trees strapped to their cars and hoarders lined up checking out with a cart full of artificial trees at Costco or Walmart.

"Honey, I can't get the car in the garage anymore."
"Why not dear?"
"Well, there's 20 cases of toilet paper, 25 cases of paper towels, 35 cases of bottled water, 100,000 rounds of ammo and now you've went and bought six Christmas trees, that's why not"....

Got one more week of no heavy lifting. I got a Costco worker to put a case of water in my cart, when I was leaving, a young girl from Costco followed me to my vehicle and loaded everything for me. Got home and was able to take the bottles a few at a time and put them in the fridge. I'm kind of proud of myself for strictly adhering to my doctor's orders, just no desire to screw things up and wind up back in surgery.

Y'all have a great day, stay safe and do something nice for yourself or someone else....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 59 at the moment but it's supposed to clear off and get close to 80.

Went to a lecture yesterday at the public library given by a local author. Very interesting and I wound up buying all 4 of his books including one that won't officially be released until next week. Then I went to an "Active Aging" fair which was trying to promote activities for seniors. Apparently I was the only guy interested. All the rest of the attendees were women. Either the guys didn't care or they were already out being active.

Woke up way too early this morning. I've been up since 4. Tried to go back to bed for a while but that didn't work. Maybe I'll watch a boring movie and nap in my chair.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a dreary 64 going up to76. We have not seen the sun for the last few days.

The weekend is supposed be wet with drizzle on Saturday and rain on Sunday. So as a result, I will be doing some moving of the plants and planting new plants today. I am going to also try to trim the azaleas along the front walkway. I need to trim them before I put out the Halloween lights and decorations. For the weekend it will be indoor Halloween decoration and I don’t know what else.

On the layout since the track is temporarily tacked down, I want to run trains and make sure the alignment is good. When I feel it is satisfactory, I will pull the track up and begin laying the foam roadbed.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue cloudy and 66. Everything outside is wet here too. Spotty rain is expected all day.

Edison went out Again last night for two hours. We live in the most populated area of Michigan but seem to be on Edison's worst grid. The whole house generator was expensive but a good investment for us.
I must have blinked didn't notice the separation till I was done.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 62 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning but that won't last long. Clouds are expected to move into the neighborhood later on bringing a chance of some sprinkles. High near 80. Next week is supposed to see highs only in the upper 50s. Looks like summer is finally drawing to a close.

Yesterday was pretty mellow. I never did manage to get a nap so I skipped the afternoon movie and also the play last night. Couldn't see spending money just to take a nap somewhere. This morning is football and I'll go see the play this afternoon at 2. I won't be able to watch my football game this evening as it's on ABC and the local cable company is trying to extort the local ABC station (or vice versa).

I hope Frank is improving.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a good Saturday morning to ya all. Got an extra two hours of sleep, well almost, I did stay up a bit later last night, a real daring move on my part. Misngth Should be a nice day, mid-80's tops, can't wait until Tuesday, they say high-60's at best. Time to switch off the A/C maybe.....

Yeah Tom, they're doing that here on Dish, just that it's NBC, seem like that one company owns a network station in a lot of major cities, giving them power over satellite and cable providers.  I'm thinking the company wants more money than the provider wants to pay, but we are the ones that will wind up paying 'cause regardless of the outcome, you know they will wind up raising prices. I signed a contract with Dish two years ago and I guess the fine print allowed them to raise my bill several times since then. I have an antenna if I really was interested in watching that station, but I'm not...

Got a few household chores today, got a mess of sawdust to clean up in the garage, and I'm good with doing a bit of physical work. I should have time to do some trackwork, but after seeing what Wayne was doing with a DPM kit, I got a "light bulb" idea for one that I think I'll start on today.

Lets hope Frank is doing better, prayers for him and others in need, and especially Mikey (ngauger) for the loss of his brother a few days ago.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. 3 day weekend for me, but with all the telework the last year and a half it is sometimes hard to remember what day it is. People have been known to forget and start working on holidays.

My father in law was diagnosed with ALS on Monday. Its been a little hard to concentrate on anything else since then. Planning on seeing him today. He will be happy to see the twins.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tail-parts</a><!-- m -->
Good morning all, we're a third through October already, almost time to get out the jackets and sweaters. Went out yesterday afternoon and it felt a bit cool, around 80 at the time, Tuesday, well, that's suppose to be a sub-freezing 68, not sure if I even want to go out that day.

Not much else going on, I've started on my DPM kit when I realized I didn't run the parts through my ultrasonic cleaner. Going to do that today and see how much that I already painted will come off. That's fine, my screw-up, What is it Dr. Phil says, something like, "choose the action, pay the consequences".....

My mail has at least doubled the past few weeks. it's open enrollment time for Medicare, and everyone want me to join their plan. Got one yesterday where the "letter" was glued inside the envelope, it was huge and I had to tear the envelope apart to read what was left of the letter inside. Some providers just send cards, some are so big they won't fit in my mailbox, some are so cleverly folded and sealed that you can't figure out how to get them open. Doesn't matter, I'll just stick with my current insurance provider, or should I switch to the one that keeps sending me stuff just about everyday..... Enough, if you're on Medicare, you're probably getting the same treatment.

Take care and enjoy the day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 62 outside my window this morning. Supposed to get into the low 70s this afternoon.

Decent day yesterday. Great-grandkids football in the morning and then a play in the afternoon. I laughed from the opening scene to the final curtain. Very enjoyable. Just finished watching a rather routine F1 race in which a wrong decision cost one of the two main title contenders several points. This afternoon is the next to last football game of the season.

Don - yes, I'm getting lots of extra "pass through" mail also. It just passes through the house from the mailbox to the trash can. Also getting lots of phone calls. Thanks to caller id I can ignore those.

For the 3rd time this season my team "almost" knocked off a ranked team. Fumbles and poor special teams play killed us again.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
It's a sunny 74 this afternoon.
Turned on the TV just in time to watch the Detroit Lions lose again. They are now 0 in 5. 
Saturday was college football did better there. three of my four favorite teams won. 
No toy train news except the last local train show has been canceled as the hall they rented is for sale.
At one time we had shows all winter long, people pass and things change.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 54 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Upper 60s today. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and then a 100% chance for rain on Wednesday.

Yesterday was pretty mellow. Great-grandson's football game at 1:30. When I got home i took an hour long walk. Too windy to ride the bike. Nothing big on the to-do list for today. Need to water the house plants and maybe go for a bike ride. Also need to clean up leaves and mow the yard.

Continuing prayers for Frank.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Monday morning all. Today is a holiday for some, just another day for others. Today we will be in the low 80's, tomorrow we may not get higher than around 68, the guessers are consistent on that. Most say no rain, the TV weather lady says 20% chance. Have no clue where these people get their info...

Put my DMP kit in the ultrasonic cleaner and most of the windows and trim that I had painted stayed on. Just got lucky. Did watch a bit of football yesterday. Was watching the Packers game, tie score and playing in overtime, Packers were set to kick a winning field goal when they cut to the Cardinals game. "We'll let you know later how this turned out", says the announcer right before we were watching a different game. Shades of the infamous "Hidi" incident of years ago....

All caught up on my household chores, and no Tom, I'm not walking a mile, I'm not walking an hour, I"m not even walking to the end of the block. I applaud you for doing what you do to keep in shape, wish I could too, I'm just happy that I have enough energy to work on my layout....

Take care all and have a great day. Prayers for Frank and for Mikey and his family for their loss.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Latest I have on Frank Eagles.
He is out of the hospital and in rehab. Nothing more than that was given.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all . well another Monday . the only good thing last week to report is I just finished 256 feet of main line on layout . on the other hand the bad stuff) i had to give up my waterbed after 40+years  got too hard to get out of now , you know the ravage's of time . 

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