The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Happy Monday morning to ya all, no holiday yet so I guess most of you are headed to work. Speaking of holidays, I already see yards and houses decorated for Christmas, something you usually don't see before Thanksgiving. I guess folks are a bit anxious after the past few holiday seasons were bummers.... For that matter, I'm working on my Christmas gifts now, not sure how long it'll take, so I need an early start, just in case.

As temps drop here, gas prices rise. Still have one station at $3.51, most others, $3.69 with some up to $3.89 and $3.9999999. That .009 was meaningful when gas was  35 cents a gallon, but why do they still keep it now?

Nothing scheduled for a few days, thinking about doing that DPM kit, looked at it a couple of times and keep putting it back in the bag.

Take care and have a great day. Misngth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Gee Don, I thought I was up early this AM. Looking at your post you have me beat by 1/2 an hour.
Just get some AC glue and slap that DPM together, you will have it done before your next post.
Hope all is well——Jerry
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 30 outside my window this morning. Supposed to get near 50 by this afternoon.

Only big project for today is a rather large herd of leaves that need to be rounded up and hauled away. Very windy over the weekend which brought a lot of them down. Probably the last really big batch. Watched a very entertaining race yesterday morning. Three races to go for the season and a highly entertaining contest between the two contenders. Lots of fun.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 39 heading up to 48.

Wife is feeling a little better. Her temperature is still bouncing around some but is mostly below 100. She had a breathing issue last night, but it calmed down quickly. She decided to go to work this morning. Hopefully it will go well.

Did a little more decorating for Thanksgiving. I winterized the fishpond. I still need to breakdown and clean the filter.

I went over the last set of rolling stock I ran to see what the cars need. I now have 16 cars that need couplers changed, metal wheels added, or some other item needed to bring them up to standards.

Today I have some errands to run such as the grocery store and produce store.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone. 
       We had about a half an inch of snow yesterday, enough wind to make it bitter cold and a couple wet and muddy fur kids that loved it. 
        I did manage to install a new battery isolator in the motor home and if I can get warmed enough I need to install a new house battery. The one in it has a fault of some kind. 
         I did some minor work in the train room yesterday and hope to do some more today. Other than thqat I expect a quiet one. 
         Best wishes to all and prayers that your wife is on the mend Tom. 
So...I spend the better part of the past two years avoiding crowds, wearing a mask, and keeping my distance and thankfully have not gotten Covid. I know quite a few others who have.

So instead of Covid, I somehow have Tuberculosis. Yeah that sounds unbelievable but it's true. My doctor is in disbelief - I wonder if he ever had a patient whose TB test came back positive.

I don't have any symptoms, and chances are I have had it in my body for many years. The very strange thing is I can't even guess where I may have gotten it.

Anyway, Thankfully I can't spread it to others unless it is active. I've ben referred to an infectious disease specialist, and likely will have to take a whole bunch of antibiotics for awhile.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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Good Tuesday morning folks, well, it's Wednesday already in some parts of the world. Does that mean they celebrate Christmas a day before we do? How does Santa sort that out? Maybe he really takes 24 hours to make his deliveries. Just thinking....

Jerry, good to see you my friend, I could do that just that the brick will match the trim and roof. Besides, I was looking for a way to spend a week at the bench trying to paint the thing...

Geeze Kevin, sorry to hear that, I thought that they had eradicated TB a long time ago. Glad to hear that it's dormant.

Temps starting to drop a bit starting today, some chances of rain next week, how good the chances depends on whose forecast you're looking at. Really strange, some neighbors are outside decorating their yards and houses, while I'm outside picking weeds. Maybe if I covered the yard in fake snow, the weeds won't show. Waiting 

Take care and stay safe, we've had a rash of road rage shootings lately, too many crazies out there, be careful.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy at the moment but it's supposed to clear off and get to the low 60s for the day. The price for the warm temperature is 30+ mph winds.

Yesterday was a decent day even though it only hit the low 40s as opposed the the 50 that was predicted. Cleaned up LOTS of leaves from the yard. Hauled one bag to the disposal site before they closed at noon yesterday. After lunch I gathered 3 more bags to be disposed of this morning. This should see the end of the major leaf removal. Also got the grocery list from my daughter for Thanksgiving. I may have to set up a Go Fund Me page. This morning I'll dispose of the leaves and start on the grocery list. Also try to see if I can sneak in at least a 7 mile bike ride to put me over the 1500 mile mark.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, still going to be in the 80's today, got to wait until next week for it to drop a few degrees, it may even rain some.

Heading to Denny's for breakfast, stop at Walmart on the way home. I need some clear gloss spray to finish my Christmas gifts, don't know if anybody has noticed, but most anything in a spray can is in short supply. I'm wondering just what kind of merchandise is on board those 150 container ships sitting off the California coast. A friend of mine needed a new truck for his business, he finally found a dealer that had one, went to look at it and was told it was in a container on one of those ships, but it was his if he wanted it. It could be months before he can actually drive it. Maybe that's where all the spray cans are. Waiting Me, I got lucky the other day, Walmart had a few cans of whipped cream, not much to chose from, but I got one that should last the holidays. Don't know if I can eat pumpkin pie without whipped cream on it.... Nope

Got a few more houses in our neighborhood with fairly elaborate Christmas decorations already, usually I'd say, "already?", but I think right now, it's what folks need. I might just pull the tree out and set it up this weekend. My outdoor decorations just consists of some small wreaths, and one large lighted one. Gave boxes of decorations to the Salvation Army a few years ago during one of our downsizing moves.

Enough already, wishing everyone a great and meaningful day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

41 and cloudy headed for 45 and slightly less cloudy. Still breezy but not as bad as yesterday.

1502.6! I made it! Waited for the wind to die down late yesterday afternoon and then went for a ride. Also got rid of 3 more bags of yard waste and went to the grocery store for Thanksgiving. I think it would have been cheaper just to take everyone out for dinner! Gas prices goofy again. One station showing $3.02. Across the street it was $3.24. Went back past later and the one had dropped to $3.14. Not much planned for today. Gym this morning and who knows what for this afternoon.

Don - A better way to get the whip cream on your pumpkin pie is to dip the pie in the container. My wife left the Sunday after Thanksgiving to go back to her apartment while going to college. I figured I'd be alone and grabbed the container and a slice of pie. As I was dipping the pie in the container one of my sons walked in. Busted! I still get teased about it and it's been over 20 years. Families never forget.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Spent 8:10 to 10:00 this morning at the dentist. Two major fillings on teeth 14 and 15. My normal routine involves starting my first coffee and the newspaper at 8:00.
I think one of them is a touch high -- I hope I can stand it until the next visit.

I think we filed the Hallowe'en decorations away today.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, still a bit hotter than normal, but cool in the AM. I finally turned the thermostat to "heat", it went on for a few minutes yesterday morning, but hasn't gone on since. Well, it will get over 80 this afternoon, but it did hit 88 last week, so that's an improvement. Lots of folks out and about, out-of-state license plates, I think just about all the snowbirds are here for now. Just so you know, the Snow Bowl  was suppose to open yesterday for skiing, but no, there's no snow. We had one year not too long ago when they didn't open until January. They can make snow, but what's the sense, it'll only melt.

Finished my Christmas gift projects, turned out as I envisioned. Now maybe I can put the tree and some decorations up.

David, I wish you the best, two hours in a dentist's chair is no picnic. Going back isn't any fun either....

I hope everyone has a happy and fruitful day today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 26 with a wind chill of 14. High for today is only supposed to be in the upper 30s. Any day that starts with a wind chill can't be all good.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. Continuing my house cleaning in preparation for family on Thanksgiving. Nothing major for today. I may go to Walmart for some additional items needed for next week. Just got a call from my daughter. Her son's Junior ROTC group just won a national award. Only one is given each year and they are pretty excited about it. Normally the battalion commander and one other go to the Pentagon to receive the award from the Secretary of Defense but due to covid restrictions that won't happen this year.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue 11/18 /21
Tiss 10:45 pm 33 degrees and some snow flakes flying around. It's sticking on the cars but the ground is too warm as it was 63 yesterday.
Shopped yesterday for next week, got two turkeys at 33 cents a lb. One for Thanksgiving and the other for sometime during the winter. 
Gas here is $3.19 and up
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good Friday morning to ya all, just about time to join the swell of folks decorating for Christmas. I will be putting up the tree this weekend, a week ahead of schedule. When I was a kid, we didn't put up the Christmas tree until the day before Christmas. Two reasons for that, one, if waited, we could get a tree for just a few dollars, no one wanted trees on their lot on Christmas morning. Second, it was a live tree and started shedding needles about five minutes after it got in the house.

SJ, that's a heck of a buy on turkeys, around here they're going for about $1.50 to $2.00 a pound. They're saying that like a lot of things, turkeys and trees are in short supply this year.

Temps are still high here, so is gas. That station near me that was $3.51, shot up to $3.69 yesterday, will probably be $3.79 today to match other stations. The cheapest gas in Arizona is in Bullhead City, $2.99. Now Bullhead City is on the Colorado River far from any big city or freeway so you have to wonder why.

Heading to Denny's this morning, Brenda's regulars are getting fewer and fewer. Yesterday there was only three of us, one twice-a-day regular started going somewhere else, a real pity. He has an electric wheelchair and it's further for him, but the new owner still refuses to even say good morning to her customers or even pick up a coffee pot to refill cups, and folks stopped going the day she took over the place.

Take care everyone and have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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