Hello everyone!  I've been away for a long time.  Sold my house in New Jersey, I think my last posts were photos of the dismantling of the first John Galt Line.  That was 5 to 6 years ago.  About 4 years ago I started a new version.  I'm even busier in retirement than I was while working!  I thought I'd just let you know that I've started over and see if I can post a couple photos.  

OK, my files are too large, will have to resize.  Can't do it right now as it will take me awhile to figure out.  And I have something else to do.  I will try one of my photos I posted long ago for now

Hello Gary---it's been far too long to not hear from you---welcome back.I'm looking forward to seeing some scenes from the John Galt Line again especially those impressive C&O Mikes---enjoy your retirement to the fullest.I'll always remember our visit to Steamtown.
It's great to have you back aboard. Here is the link to the windows picture resizer (just right click a photo once installed). It will resize but watch the options, I find it best to keep the original. I have selected over a hundred at a time and right click and resize them all. On Win 11 the right click option has been put down one level to the more options menu of the right click. 
Thanks Mr. Nutbar, I'm sorry I don't remember your name.  And thank you Charlie for your help.  Let's see what I can do.    

Some of you may remember the Qu9nn Ball Bearing plant.  Here it is in its new location
The picture above was resized on my camera before loading to my computer.  I haven't yet tried the method Charlie mentioned.  Now that I know it works I'll try posting a few more.

This rather messy shot shows most of the railroad from the entry to the room.  I closed in and air conditioned one side of a two car garage.  The area is 10x20.


When I was designing the track plan one of the main desires was to reuse some of the sections I saved from the old layout.  The result was pieces, like the yard throat above, were placed in a different relation to other saved pieces.  The yard throat was at the top of a helix.  The helix was also saved (had to be rebuilt) but it is at the opposite corner.

A nicer view of the yard.


Engine facility


I had always wanted to build a mountain type scene to block the view of the helix on the last layout.  Never did.  This one is almost done


This view of a scene on the upper level was designed to just let me see trains running thru an open area.  The descending track goes onto the helix.  The ascending track goes around the helix and is just a double track main circling the room.  There's not much else to see!  The lower level tracks are laid but no scenery yet.  I am currently working ona Diamond Scale turntable which will be used to turn locos at the end of the line.  The lower level will be where my industrial operations take place. Although I included a provision for continuous run for the grandkids, it is operated as a dead end branch line.
Very impressive. I like the double layer. I wish I would have thought of that before I started building. Your scenery looks grand. 
Nice modeling indeed.  Welcome back.
Guy from Southern Quebec.
Looking good!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Great to see you back, Gary.  I have been trying for some time to find a way to contact you, to no avail.

By the way, Gary, cn nutbar is my longtime friend Ed Creechan, and we both remember the meeting at Steam Town and the trip to New Jersey to see your layout.

It's really good to hear from you again.


Hi Everybody, sorry it's been so long between posts.  Charlie, thanks for the kind words on scenery.  Having multiple levels (there is also a staging level below the lower level) is great but the price is a space consuming helix and a lot of a trains running time can be on the helix!  It does however enable more scenes and that was important to me.  And, i already had the helix from the previous layout!
Hi Ed, I too remember well when you and Wayne visited.  Sorry I could not recall your name!
Hi Guy, I've seen some of your rolling stock threads.  Very nice work!  I hope to start working on rolling stock and locos soon, haven't done so in probably 10 years.  It'll be like starting over!
Hi Tyson, I remember you as one of the real old timers.  You posted back when I posted my very first pictures on the Gauge.
Wayne, how are you?  Been a long time, always loved your work and posts.  

See if I remember how to post a pic:


That ones for you Ed


You liked this loco when it came up the helix into the freight yard.  It was the sound you liked.
Here are two more views of Downtown.  I call it Clifton, NJ although it looks nothing like it.  The Erie did have a bridge just like the model, and it was in Clifton!


Really looking good! Nice to see someone else modeling the Lehigh & Hudson River.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Your layout is looking very good.As an admirer of Mr. Galt it is good to see you back. Now if we can just locate Miss Taggart! Big Grin

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Good to see the JGL up and running again. I've been away from the hobby for a while also, but getting stuff built again. nice to hear from you and look forward to more posts.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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