The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
It stayed cloudy all day yesterday and today is going to be the same. Hi today 0f 71 but warming to 80s during the coming week.
The club had an outdoor meet yesterday, some U-Tubers were going to be there that I would have liked to meet but I had an issue that kept me home. May have been from the liquid I had to drink for a C-Scan on Friday evening, or maybe not. You know what I'm talking about.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, thanks Tom and everyone else, there's no doubt that being old really sucks when you are trying to recover. I decided to stay home and watch mass on TV, for some reason I don't think they'll let me sit in a pew with my legs stretched out. Nope There's nothing seriously wrong, just that I ache from my kneecaps to my shoulders. I think after they put me to sleep, they wheeled me out onto US60 to do the surgery and we got clipped a few times by traffic. That's the only explanation that I can think that fits. Icon_rolleyes

So anyway, I did manage to sit at the computer long enough to get a basic design on my log cabin. I think this one is going to be like the old homesteaders did, you design as you go with the materials you have at hand. What's really amazing is how accurate their cuts and notches are, making dovetail notches on both ends of a 40' log and have them fit perfectly.  I doubt that they even had rulers back then. Worship The same goes for putting up barns with mortise and tendon joints. If you haven't seen the show, I got my inspiration from "Barnwood Builders", they are on the Magnolia Network, (was the DYI channel), streaming, YouTube and a few other places...

Gotta go, take care and enjoy what's left of the weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 61 outside my window this morning. High for today is only supposed to be in the low 70s with 60-70% chances for rain today and tonight. Looks kind of like September weather has arrived early. With the exception of Thursday highs for the coming week a re predicted to be in the 70s with lows in the upper 50s.

Had a decent day yesterday. Found most everything I needed at Walmart including oil and filter for the car. Guess that will be one of my projects in the near future. Finally got a good recording of the film of my wedding day. The file size is a little large. It's less tan two minutes for the whole video but the file is 400MB. I still need to strip the sound of the projector out and then find a hosting site.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 71 and heading up to 82. According to the radar we might get some rain shortly.

Had a pretty good weekend. On Saturday the wife and I ran some errands including getting gas. I didn't make it to Delaware and we paid $4.09. After the errands we took a ride to Valley Forge National Park to enjoy the nice weather. Sunday we did some gardening including weeding the front garden. I did not get to trim the weeping cherry tree. I also did a bunch of laundry.

I fixed two Tropicana reefers by adding some washers to the coupler pocket to prevent the lid from moving. Te loose lid was allowing the couple to bounce and lead the cars uncoupling. I decided that I will tack down more the track evn though I may make revisions later. This will help with the uncoupling and derailing I am sometime experiencing.

Today I need to stop and the post office and pick up a couple of boxes so the wife can mail out a few things. I may need to make a grocery store run also.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, was watching to news yesterday and saw all sorts of carnage happening from the storms. Big blotches of different colors on the weather map. Looked outside and saw a bit of wind and at one point actual damp stuff tinkling on my driveway. Went to bed, no big claps of thunder but I guess all-in-all we got about 1/4" around us sometime during the night. Low temps (100+/-) and good chance of late afternoon storms everyday for the next couple of weeks. Typical August weather.

Not much else going on, got a couple of appointments this morning, then just going to kick back and rest. The doctor I saw on Friday recommended some massage therapy for my aches and pains, I'll see what I can get done since I need something.

Gas here has gone under $4.00 at a lot of stations, a few under $3.40. Here on the northwest side we're looking at Costco at $3.75 being the lowest. On the northeast side, well, those guys are mostly well over $4.00. It doesn't make sense that they same chains can have grossly different prices just a few miles away from each other.

Everyone have a great week, stay safe and stay dry...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. 
        I had to remove a bunch of wires that were no longer needed under the RV. I put my new headlight on and took them all down.  I love that light. I ordered 2 more for adult grandsons on Friday from Ebay and they delivered them Saturday, unbelievable service. 

         I removed the seats and the rubber floor mat from the motorhome and wire brushed what little rust there was, then I used Coroseal on the floor. I will put a coat of paint on it in a little while. I got a new carpet from an outfit in Florida I have some new parts left to install but i am getting close to being finished. It has been a year long project but no work was done during the winter months. I am looking forward to using it. 

         Don, several years ago I somehow hurt my back (I have no idea how) and after a night in the emergency room with a cat scan that found nothing they sent me to PT which was a total waste. I went to my chiropractor and she had me feeling better fast but there was something in the muscles and nerves that she couldn't get 100 percent so she asked me if she could let her masseuse work on me. She worked 15 minutes and it felt like she was inside my legs scrapping the bone, It was not pleasant but boy, she got to the root of the matter and I felt pretty good. I scheduled a half hour for the following week (30 bucks) and this time she went easy on me and I was really relaxed. I need to do that again soon. 

         I have already mowed the back yard, and I will do the front this evening. No other plans Prayers for everyone to stay healthy and safe, and prayers also for the end of the drought in most areas. 
Thanks Charlie, I just got back from my chiropractor and have an appointment this morning with his masseuse. Yeah, they seem to find the areas that are most sensitive and you wonder if it's worth it, but yes, it is...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Slightly foggy and 59 outside my window this morning. Supposed to be sunny and 75 later on. Got about a third of an inch of a slow steady drip/drizzle/light shower that lasted most of the afternoon.

I skipped the gym yesterday and instead change the oil in the car. Otherwise not much accomplished. Today looks to be much the same.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(08-16-2022, 06:24 AM)FiatFan Wrote: ...I skipped the gym yesterday and instead change the oil in the car.  Otherwise not much accomplished.  Today looks to be much the same.

All stay safe.


Good morning all, Tom, I wonder, does "Today looks to be much the same" mean you'll be changing the car oil again? Icon_lol 

Cleaning lady due any minute. Not going to do much of anything today. I need to start feeling better so rest is my only option.

Got the car filled up at Costco for $3.69 yesterday, got an adjustment from my chiropractor and spend an hour with his massage therapist. Feel better, got another session set for Friday. I understand using the term, "Masseuse", is now considered offensive. Waiting  Come on folks, get a life please....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning friends. 
        I got everything I had planned accomplished yesterday and a few more things to boot. 
        I am pleased with the motor home floor. Not bad for a set of wheels that is now 41 years old.    

         We had a few sprinkles this morning but we really could use a good soaker. My garden is a  big disappointment.  I am starting to believe I couldn't raise hell with a gallon of moonshine.  The potatoes and the tomatoes  are doing fine but the cucumbers, beans, peppers and corn were a waste of time and hard work.  I had a ton on horse manure spread and composted and then tilled it in but the soil is just lacking organic material. At this stage of the game I have other things I can do so next year 4 tomato plants will be my garden. The raised beds did produce some nice onions and strawberries, which are still producing so I will continue with those next year. 

          Rain showers are predicted today so I won't do anything that the water could hurt. Work will continue on the motorhome as time permits.

          I had a nice 2 hour conversation with a young friend of mine last night. When I was painting the locomotive (volunteer) for the Little Beaver Creek Valley Scenic Railroad He had just turned 18 and volunteered to help. He was the best help I had and showed up every day. Here is a photo of the finished product. The locomotive went to the Ohio Central and Jerry would not paint over this because he liked the paint job. It finally got orange paint when Jerry sold the OC to the G&W group. 
          To continue the story about my young friend, (Mike Manwiller) He continued to volunteer and an old timer taught him how to fire the small steam locomotive they leased a couple years later. He continued his college education and was for a time trainmaster for the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad and he was one of the folks featured in the History Channel production of the young guns of steam.  He has ran the Daylight and many other mainline steam locomotives and  I will call him an expert on steam. (He made the back sheet for the Big Boy and the 1309). He is now the chief mechanical officer for the Heber Valley Railroad. He is so appreciative of what little I taught him. I am hoping to visit with him next year and play with his trains even though they currently have no steam operating. 

           My truck is almost due for an oil change so I will just take it to a quick lube and have it done. The last time I changed oil it was tough to find someone tht would take the old oil and I didn't save money anyway.  I had the Kia done at the dealership a couple months ago and the total bill was 34 bucks which included synthetic oil and the disposal fee for the used stuff.  

          Days, I hope you are feeling as good as it appears. 

          Tompm  hope you are starting to feel better 

           Tom, the Fiatfan, I want to know how you came up with that handle.  While I seem to be writing a book today I have a Fiat story.  In 1969 I knew a guy that was the body man at the Ford garage where I worked. He had bought a new Fiat in 1967 that didn't come up to what he thought it should be and Fiat would not make it right so he parked it in his front yard which was along a major highway with signs that were detrimental to the brand. Fiat got wind of it and did everything they could to appease Homer, but he was past that point and refused all of their offers, even the offer to buy it back at full price. (Pig headed). He finally wound up selling it but not to Fiat and not for much money either.  

         Enuf is enuf.  Icon_e_biggrin
Good morning folks

It is a beautiful 74 with a few clouds in the sky. High today is supposed to be 84.

I thought I would get more done yesterday but once I started taking out the trash I suddenly found myself doing some extra unintended cleaning. What started out as one trash can at the curb turned into two. On the bright side all the trash cans in the house including the ones at my workbench and the layout are empty and over hlf the floor around the layout has been swept and clear of objects that belong elsewhere.

I built a Lehigh & New England 2-bay covered hopper kit from Roundhouse and added screws to the coupler clips on an Athearn blue box boxcar. I need to change one of the trucks on the boxcar as the previous owner overtightened the screw cracking the truck.

I have physical therapy tonight and I need to make a run to the pharmacy afterward. If there is time and energy left I would like to fix the coupler box lids on the last two Con-Cor Tropicana reefers.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I started the day calling my neighbour across the street to say that the garbage truck had just gone down our side of the street. He doesn't have much of a view out the front and generally leaves his bins until later. The truck only picked up the green (compostable). We left about 10:00 for a play and our blue bin was still there. When we came back nearly 6:00, our bin was empty and his bin was still out. I went to move it back and it was still full.

The play was Moliere's The Miser, in a new translation and modern setting. There was even a joke about the FBI opening his safe.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, two very dry days, the NWS reports 105 for a high yesterday, 0 rainfall, 0 new snow and the snow pack is also 0. Good info since that's all at the Phoenix Airport, don't want to get bogged down in an August snowstorm and be late for your flight... Nope  Good chance of t'storms tonight and up to 80% chance by the weekend.

Got a sparkling clean house, cleaning lady helped me with a few chores as well since I still am not suppose to lift more than 5# for another three weeks.The HOA should have a field day, just about everyone has weeds from the recent rains. Pat is coming over to help me with mine. One time I got fined $75 for four little weeds. Some neighbors have a yard full right now...

My logs that Jim Currie sent should be at the PO today, now I can do some experimenting. My massage the other day helped enough that I can now sit for longer periods. I have another session on Friday, my fate is in her hands, literally. Icon_rolleyes

Ya all do something fun today, I'm going to try....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 59 with clouds moving in later but the high is supposed to be near 80 so not too bad of a day.

I was more productive than originally anticipated yesterday. Did some grocery shopping. Typical trip. Went for a couple of items and wound up spending over $60. Then went for a nice bike ride. Late afternoon found me in the back yard with the logging train running and a nice fire in the fire pit. I discovered that if I had 5 logging cars on the train it would derail about every other lap. When I took one car off the train ran for the rest of the afternoon without a single derailment. Supper was an nice steak and some of the juiciest corn on the cob I've had in a long while.

Charlie - I had a '71 Fiat 124 Sport Spider for 22 years. Had many a fun trip with it. Finally sold when it got to the point that I was moving from winter storage to the garage and back again. A young man from De Moines bought it to drive. He and his dad were rebuilding one and wanted another one to drive while they were working on the first one. One time I was talking to my boss who just purchased a 69 Chevelle with the 396 engine. One cylinder in his engine was about the same size as all four cylinders in mine.

Don - good catch.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 69 and heading up to 83.

I don't know what I did yesterday but I had a really bad day with my back. By the time I got home the pain was 9 out of 10. I tried to go to therapy but there was no way I could sit in the car for the 20 minutes needed to get to therapy. I took a couple of Tylenol and put some heat on it. I was able to do a few chores such as taking the recyclables to the curb.

I did build an P&LE Accurail 40 foot steel box car.

I still have some pain in the back this morning so I will be taking it easy. Sitting seems to bother the back more than standing or walking. I will be calling the doctor later this morning. Depending on what my back feels like what I do later maybe limited. I might try to trim the weeping cherry tree since there is no bending required. I am going to try to build a couple of Accurail box car kits.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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