The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
I have a cell phone but will not give up the reliability of our land line.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
We get a lot of crazy spam.  Some have a legitimate looking source but a weird origin when the cursor hovers over it.  Some have a topic except that is unintelligible or not related to the topic line.  Then there are the ones from, say, FeddEcks or C0$T C o w  .  (I don't have any real examples to share anymore.)  I regularly get garbage claiming to be from my cousin.
My spam filter catches a lot of them, but not all.

Tech question: on the iPad, how do you hover the cursor on a touch screen?
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning everyone, I guess the elections didn't go as well for some people, that's to be expected since there are always a winner and a loser. Some races are still too close to call, and as usual, we here in Arizona are fraught with issues of long lines and machines not working.

I hope someone can answer you question David, I have an Android, and to be sure, it's rare when I use it to find something on the Web. I spend way too much time at home and my desktop is just the right size, plus I'm paying a goodly amount of money to be connected so I'd just as soon use it. Yeah, these scammers are getting better, their graphics are cleaner, their spelling is better, they steal logos, but their URL's and email addresses give them away.

Just about everyone in the valley here got rain yesterday, we got about 1/4". Today should be in the high 60's, cool but no rain.

That's it for now folks, not sure what I'll be doing today, that's the one perk of being retired. Take care and enjoy the day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

It's a downright balmy 64 degrees this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa but that's pretty much going to be the high for the day. One of those nefarious cold fronts is on the way and the temperature will drop to the uppers 30s very quickly in the next hour or two.

The only activity at the world headquarters for the Backyard & Southern RR yesterday was a couple of walks in the nice weather for a total of about 4 miles. Nothing really planned for today. Got the schedule yesterday for the great-grandkids' basketball games this weekend.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Well, that nefarious front just (quite literally) blew through town. The wind shifted very abruptly from the south to the northwest without slowing from its 20+ mph and the temperature has dropped 12 degrees in the last half hour.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

Clear skies and 18 degrees greeted me this morning as I awoke (way too early). The high for today under sunny skies is supposed to hit 30 or so. No above freezing temperatures until at least Monday.

Spent most of yesterday on the front porch enjoying the weather. Once the temperature started to drop I fired up my trusty space heater which kept the porch at a pleasant 70 degrees. Off to the gym this morning but nothing else really planned for the day. Tomorrow morning is basketball for the great-grandkids and college football in the afternoon.

Gas was down to $3.46 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Today is Veterans Day, we just need to take a minute and bow our heads in prayer for all those that gave their all, or came back with sever injuries and missing limbs regardless of what war they fought in. They may not have wanted it that way, but that's what they signed up for and I hope our government takes care of those that did come home better than they have in the past. I am a vet, but my only exposure to danger was avoiding getting bit by a sidewinder snake in the Arizona desert. I risked nothing while others were being exposed to chemicals and jungle warfare.

Thank you Lutz for reporting that spam. It was dealt with in less than three hours, good that we have folks up around the clock....

Just have to chuckle at the weather forecast, and wonder if there's any difference, just the way someone has worded it...

Today:cool with plenty of sun
Tomorrow: partially cloudy
Sunday: cool with sunshine
Monday: plenty of sunshine, but cool

And it continues for weeks with a different way of describing "cool with sunshine" differently each day. But then, that's why the get the big bucks.

Take care, have a great weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Overcast with a Hi of 60 today. Then low 40s for the days ahead.
I think we have buttoned up all the outdoor stuff. The snowblower started and now I have to wax the runners on the dog sled.
No special train news. We all know how hi groceries have become. Gas is floating right around the $3.99 mark.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, folks

It is 62 and the rain from Nicole has begun. High will be 67.

The past few days we have gotten most of the Halloween decoration put away. Still have a couple of small bins to finish and the outside lights.

I have been running trains the past few evenings. First the Amtrak “First Day” E8 and last night I tested my new Bachmann Spectrum PRR K4. I am very impressed with it. It runs smooth and the sound is not annoying.

For the weekend since the temperature will be going below freezing Sunday night, I need to get all the potted plants inside. This means I must set up the area in the attic for them and place them there. Due to my back issues, I will be needing help from the kids with some of the heavier things. There will be laundry as always but now it is a little more crucial as I need to start packing for our cruise after Thanksgiving.

In the modeling world I want to continue testing the new Bachmann Spectrum K4. I will also need to change out the EZ-Mate couplers for Kadee couplers. A tad annoying that such a high-end locomotive has crappy couplers. I need to organize my collection of coal hoppers and tune up some rolling stock to NRMA recommendations.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Yep, as I forecasted earlier in the week Nicole put the kibosh on my annual Bucketball golf tournament today at Pilgrim's Oak. Decided to get up early and took the dog for a walk on the northern section of the Ma and Pa trail (named for the Maryland and Pennsylvania whose roadbed became a rails to trails effort). Cadbury was really happy to get a walk in after 4 days stuck at home while I was at work and my wife is in Hawaii.

Once I got back home I cleared my desk of some stamp collection stuff and got right to work on polishing off the snowplow addition to my Reading SD45, sharing pictures here on Big Blue and adding a blog entry for my SD45 renovations on the website.

While grabbing some pictures the EL SD45 started to act up again. Motor runs and then decides to quit. Gotta get in and check some connections between the motor and board - something's not right.

Screwed down the decking to support the Lehigh River on Mud Run and started adding supports for the fascia there. Hoping to start scenery construction over there this weekend unless I run up to my mom's house. The previous owner of her house put a window in between a family room and a mini-kitchen in her cellar. She wanted me to cover it up with shutters as a Christmas gift, but I'm thinking it would be much better just to remove the window and sheetrock both sides, so I may head up there Saturday or Sunday.

Heard Indian Summer is probably going to end after this tropical moisture gets out of here. Got some leaves to chop up with the mower this weekend, a holly tree to cut down, and some plants that need to move. Can't do that today, but it'll be front and center sometime this weekend.

Echo the Veterans Day thoughts. My son's a 1LT at Fort Hood right now and with all of the craziness going on in the world at the moment, I always get a bit antsy about egotistical world leaders doing their saber rattling. For all of you who have served, my thanks for protecting our freedoms.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and a little cool this morning at 23 degrees. Only gonna get to about 30 again today. Slightly warmer the next couple of days and then staying below freezing for the remainder of the week.

Great-grandkids' basketball this morning and college football this afternoon. Not much else going on around here.

My service was even less hazardous than Don's. Spent 4 years at a base in the upper midwest. More like being away at school than being in the military. Parents were only 4 hours away so I could easily drive it on a weekend. Not much to talk about so I normally don't talk about my service out of respect for those who sacrificed so much.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, bright and cheery....I think. It's Saturday and I got to sleep in after I slept in, Awesome a total of ten hours. Not a record, but close. Old folk need more sleep and I don't nap, so this is how I make up for it.

I stopped by Brenda's house yesterday. She had a yard sale and her husband said she had a lot of antique things that she used to put on the walls when she owned "Brenda's Cafe". Well, she didn't, lots of Christmas trinkets and the usual yard sale stuff, but I haven't seen her since she sold the restaurant so the trip was worth it.

Got a few house chores, then the rest of the day is free to do as I please. I need to start working on the Pioneer Park for my log cabins, got some wiring and ballasting to do before I can start on it, maybe today's the day to do that.

It did hit 70 yesterday, well below normal and that's not going to change at least through Thanksgiving. Just cannot believe that we're this close to the end of the year. The next two weeks are going to be really busy ones, the rush before the holidays I guess. Gas prices here are still well above the gouge level, at least a dollar more than anywhere else except California.

Still waiting for them to count ballots here in Arizona. As of yesterday, the still had some 500,000 to go. This seems to happen every election and they still don't know how to get it right. They're blaming last-minute mail-in ballots, not the system, but the people.

Have a good weekend, stay warm and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

See yesterday for weather details. Nothing has changed.

Pretty quiet day again yesterday. Gave up on football before halftime. Got the plastic on the windows in my office. Had to make some modifications that took a while but hopefully in the future it will go back to being a 20 minute job to cover 6 windows. F1 race at 10:30 is the only item (other than occasional trips to the kitchen for food) on the agenda for today.

Gas was down to $3.42 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
The promised change in weather has come to pass. Down in the upper 30's for my trip to mass this morning, sun came up and warmed to the 40's so I took Cadbury for a short walk in a driving cold breeze. Invigorating, but glad to get back into the truck and head home.

Hit my fascia for Mud Run with a coat of brown paint. Ended up going with PVC fascia. My luane strips snapped when I tried to bend to the right curvature. Had some snapping with the PVC as well but made do. Once the paint's dry I'm going to hit the edges and plywood joints with silicone caulk later today.

Decided to head up to mom's next weekend for the window removal. Gotta get the chain saw out in a few minutes and take down a holly tree and do a bit of pruning on a large burning bush and then transplant some hostas. Figure that ought to take me to lunch and I'll be grateful to get inside and get back to work on Mud Run. It's back to work tomorrow trying to save the country from ruin, but I'm now less than 100 days until retirement eligibility - not that I'm going to leave, but it's good to know that if things really get bad, I have options.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Good morning, it's Sunday and nothings changed. Weather-same, gas prices-same, Arizona State-same (lost again), just waiting for the Cardinals to play today and do what they do best, trip on their own feet..... Sometimes you wonder why they even bother to show up.

Not much else going on here. They're still counting ballots from last Tuesday and still can't declare a winner in the Governor's race. So much money spent on the elections, why can't they put a few into improving the system?

Got stuff to do, then maybe some football, maybe just relax and watch "Polar Express" or some other Christmas movie that they've been playing since the day after Halloween...

Enjoy the day no matter what you do.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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