The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Another chilly one at 28 degrees this morning and we might just sneak above freezing later on but with snow and freezing drizzle in the forecast it's still not going to be a pleasant day.

Yesterday's F1 race was very entertaining. Afterwards I went outside and cleaned up the last batch of leaves for the season. I'll be disposing of them later on this morning. After that will be a trip to the gym. If the weather cooperates I'll vacuum out the car this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, folks

It is 39 at the moment. High will be 46.

Spent Saturday working around the house. We got all the potted plants in to the house before the freeze. Also finished up putting the Halloween decorations in their bins. Down I need to get them back down to the basement. Sunday, we did not do much. It was a very doldrum day. I am not sure why, perhaps the time change finally caught up with us.

The only modeling that got done was one Roundhouse 36 FT boxcar got built.

When I get home, I have a few leftover chores from the weekend including laundry. We have begun to pack for our upcoming cruise.

I hope to get a few kits built and some rolling stock upgraded.

I need to make a pharmacy run on the way home.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, welcome to another same-o, same-o day. The only thing different this weekend was that the Arizona Cardinals won. Yup, their multi-millionaire quarterback was sidelined and the backup won a game. Not sure, but I think that's the second of three wins by the backup.

We are still counting ballots, seems like every time they take a tally, they find more ballots to count. A survey of the voting public gives a "no confidence" vote to the election procedure, especially since one of the candidates for governor is in charge of counting ballots.

Got a very busy week, seven things on my calendar including four medical appointments. Seems like I'm falling apart, but it's mostly just scheduled follow ups.

Take care this week, we're getting closer to black Friday and everyone is now advertising Christmas specials....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
We started the day below freezing, going to 40.
Outdoor stuff all put away.
What leaves that are on the lawn can blow away or stay, their choice.
Our club meet was over an hour away, I didn't feel like going that far right now.
Still dealing with a kidney stone problem, makes the area sore. Hopefully a procedure this week will be the end of it.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
It was a cold day here today but I am sure the worst is yet to come. Spring is 4 and 1/2 months away.  
I am ready to do some traveling so not much else happening. I may be out of range for a while. I will report if I have connections.
Good morning everyone, been just a bit chilly we're running around 70 +/- a few degrees, about ten degrees below normal. Still, beats this summer when we were ten degrees above normal.

They are still counting ballots from 8 days ago and the governor's race is close enough to call for a recount. I told someone yesterday that they had the results for Washington's election quicker, he said, "I guess you'd know, you were there".... ho boy.....

Still got back issues slowing me down, gunna get some shot treatments and maybe an ablation. I think I threw it out cheering for Washington when he got elected.... Icon_rolleyes

Not much else, today is the only day this week I don't have something scheduled, don't know what I can do, but I'll give it a try anyway.

Charlie, have a safe trip, and as our mothers used to tell up, "bundle up, it's cold out there".... Remember Ralphie and his brother? Well, they're playing that movie already and they "bundled up" for sure...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

As Chester A. Riley used to say "What a revoltin' development this is!!" Our very good friends at the NWS scheduled a surprise snowfall for today. We have an inch on the ground already with 1-3 inches more predicted for today. This was definitely not on the schedule yesterday. With temperatures below freezing for the coming week it looks like the snow will be here for a while.

Yesterday's to-do list was accomplished but if I had known about the snow I would have also prepared the snow blower for today's activities. When I was in the lawn shed yesterday I did impulsively grab a snow shovel just in case but that was when the prediction was about an inch. Oh, well. I guess I'll be putting the summer toys away and getting out the winter toys later on this morning,

Charlie - have a safe and enjoyable trip.

SJ - hope you can get the kidney stone issue resolved quickly.

Don - my sympathy on the back issue. Can be difficult to resolve sometimes.

Gas price here was down to $3.35 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello guys bear with me this is the first time post with a phone and I am talking so let's hope it gets it right I left home early this morning like 4:30 and took my time and stopped at almost every rest stop ran into snow of course by the time I got to Erie Pennsylvania about the roads were of course very clear I got to the hotel here in Grimsby at 11:30 and I was spending the afternoon with Wayne so made an early quit cuz it had been a long night I did find out that before I do any more night driving I need to get my glasses replaced call her quits for tonight everybody take care Don I hope your back gets way better thanks guys good night and sign it Charlie
Good morning good people, Charlie, you did fantastic, it would have taken me about two hours to type that on a phone, I rarely text, fat finger syndrome.

Thanks guys, I have an appointment next week for a cortisone shot, and in two weeks for an ablation pre-test. I've had back issues ever since I fell off a roof in 1956, but not at this level, so I hope modern medicine will do its job.

No change in the weather, plenty of sunshine but cool (70), no rain, no snow (NWS reports daily on the Phoenix area snowpack). For some reason, Costco and Sam's Club dropped gas prices 19 cents, down to $4.05. Price range in our county is $3.99 up to $4.99, we're still almost a buck higher than anywhere else in the state.

Still have a busy week, get all these appointments over with, my medical co-pays go up next year, medicare is suppose to go down. Saw an article, said that medicare was $3 back in 1970, is now $170 taken right off the top of our SSI.

Have a great day everyone, stay warm, stay safe and get ready, Thanksgiving is just a week away....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

It's another white precipitation day in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. Got about 2 inches of snow yesterday and there's more falling at the moment. Supposed to get about another inch today. The snow should be here until about next Monday when temperatures are predicted to finally rise back above freezing.

Grocery shopping and shoveling are the two main items on the agenda for today. Not much else planned. I did get the summer toys put away and the winter toys out. Got the oil changed on the snow blower and test ran it. Still need to grease the auger but the grease gun is in a shelf that I can't get to until I move the car out of the garage. I'll do that today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
hi all. been a few weeks since I've posted not much going on , oldest boy and his wife were here he brought me a few train things will post them soon one is a blast from the past (at least for us oldies). been battling a UTI and now that the local VA is shut down its go to one of the local quacks or do phone or video appointment 

as to stones they are a real pain have had several of them in the past the largest was 4 mm felt like passing a bobcat with its claws out. one time there was a woman in the doctor's office that had stones she said and i quote she would rather have a baby than pass a large stone as she had done both.   

don hope the back gets better.

Good morning everyone, went to breakfast yesterday and it was dark. No moon, no stars, spooky but it cleared up when the sun came out. Actually, the sun doesn't come out but I've been taught that's what you say. I guess I could say, "when the earth rotates and we face the sun", but it doesn't have the same ring to it and it means the same. Speaking of "the same", that's what it's like here, same weather, same gas prices, same annoying traffic.

Good to hear from you Jim, thanks, I get my first treatment on Tuesday. UTI's and stones go together and there's not much you can do when they get painful but to pray they pass quickly. It's not fair, us older folk just get the the point where we can relax and enjoy our free time, and all that happens is that we are racked with pain, first one spot, then another. I wish you the best...

Not much else going on, our government is still counting votes here and some races are still too close to call and will probably warrant a recount. That should be fun, if you're using machines to count ballots, how can a recount be different? Just saying....

Have a great day today, stay warm and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Another cloudy, cool day underway this morning. 26 now headed for 30 with yet another chance for some snow. It's more of a nuisance than a serious problem. Generally less than an inch but it still needs to be removed.

Quiet day yesterday. Shoveled the sidewalk and then hit a couple of grocery stores. Only item penciled in for today is a trip to the gym.

One gas station tried yesterday to raise the price by a quarter but most of the stations in town dropped the price another nickle to $3.29.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning blue it's rather interesting morning said my farewells to Ed and Wayne yesterday. we did have a very good time went to visit a another friend's layout but I have a lunch date in Fort Erie 9th with one of the ladies that is in our dog group at and I'm praying that the weatherman are correct this time under the 3-foot of snow they're predicting for Buffalo is not going to hit till 7:00 tonight by then I hope I'm going to be almost home so I've been in the North Country in snow season and all you do is grin and Barrett because they do pretty good job keeping the highways clean but like I say I think I'm going to be ahead of it so I had planned on on a supper for with Joanne tonight but I called her and said let's do lunch so I can get home anyhow nothing new I really enjoyed the time with Wayne and Ed and his friend on the other side of the Wilderness so more later on and by the way Don I'm talking into this thing I can't type that fast I just hope you guys will forgive all the years that this thing picks up from my voice
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 35.
Lots of snow came down yesterday in central Michigan. I watched a football game that was playing on a snow-covered field. it was really coming down.
No snow here in the Detroit area.
Outpatient surgery yesterday went very well, the stent is out, and the doc removed a kidney stone. Feel good today. I have more stones, but hope they decide to stay put.
No train news, deer hunting season opened here this week. The state is reporting less hunters than in the past. Lots of deer. I think like many of us train guys, the old ways are changing.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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