The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
33/55 for today. sun and NO RAIN.
I will attend the Good Friday service but stay home on Sunday.
No other plans for today. Remember when eggs were marked down for Easter week? Now they don't even mention them in the ads.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is 49 heading up to 58. This is a big change from the past few days where we had highs in the mid 70’s to low 80’s.

We had a little bit of a rough week as the doctors decided to change my wife’s medications. It did not go well as she literally wound up in bed for two days. The meds are back to their old levels and types. Not sure what they were trying to accomplish.

As a result, my activities were limited to doing some laundry and light cleaning around the house as we needed to keep an eye on her. Being in bed most of the time and not being active messes with her blood sugars which if they get out of control causes a whole host of other issues. Most of the time while I was at work one of our kids were home for a good portion of the day. In a worse case situation I can be home from the job site in less than a half hour.

I did get to install some new floodlights my wife purchased for the front of the house.

The only train related things I did the past few days were organizing and cleaning the work bench and storage desk. Last night I opened and organized the soldering iron station and helping hands I received for my birthday.

This weekend is going to be cool, so outside stuff will be limited. I may pull the heater from the fishpond. I have a bunch of laundry to catch up on. It is amazing how much laundry a sick person can generate. My daughter says she is going to wash the dog so I know I will get dragged into that fiasco. We have to make a run to Kohl’s to drop off some Amazon returns.

I want to continue cleaning and organizing the workbench and the storage table. I have recent supplies I got from Micro-Mark I need to put away. I should continue working on the walls for the Morgan House. I have some rolling stock that needs to be checked and put away. I have work to do around the Union Station building. I could even try to do a couple more DCC installs. Lastly, I want to run some trains.

Easter will be our usual small dinner with my wife, our daughter, our son, and myself.

I hope everybody has a good day and a Happy Easter.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good Evening Everyone. Well where to start...... Last friday I had to go in for a third foot surgery on the same foot I just had surgery on in July 2022. The previous two surgeries I had failed and required another one. The ortho doctor I seen for this surgery was a 100% he could fix it correctly this time. So I am in a cast for two weeks then go back to have the stitches removed and another cast put on for 1-1/2 months roughly. He wants this recovery to be slow going that way the ligament and tendon have an extended time to heal. I haven't been able to really do anything other than play Train Sim World 3 on my xbox, I did however find some little projects to do from Pinterest. I made a spice rack for the fiance and a small shelving unit for in the bathroom. Other than that, there is really nothing else to do. Hope everyone else is doing better than I am. Have a Safe & Wonderful Easter Weekend Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 45 headed for clear and 65 or so with strong winds and low humidity so there's a good chance of a red flag warning this afternoon.

After the gym yesterday I was going to go to Menards. I drove into the full parking lot and just kept going. I'll go back next week when people are back at work. This morning is soccer for the great-grandsons, including a 5 minute game for the 3 year old. That should be very entertaining.

Matthew - welcome back and I hope all goes well with your surgery.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, it's the day before Easter and I have a feeling that it's not a good day to go to Walmart either. I was there yesterday morning and they had Easter baskets lined up everywhere. Monday morning won't be that good either, that's when the Easter candy sells for half off. A brief feeding frenzy and it's all over, empty shelves ready for July 4th things, including fireworks.

Good to see you again Matthew, I wish you success with your surgery as well. Keep us posted, you're in our prayers.

Temps are right on normal, mid-80's, but should be in the 90's by tomorrow. Might be the end of the snow season up north. Flagstaff has had 163 inches of snow this year and over 16 inches of rain. Our snow melt should be historic. We still have flood warnings in affect from releases in some local dams. That's been going on now for well over two weeks, and we still have stupid folks bypassing "road closed" signs, sitting on the roof of their cars waiting to be rescued. I guess the Midwest is still seeing their share of tornadoes, best of luck to all of them.

Have a great day, and be careful if you have to go out shopping anywhere.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon
        It is a very cold feeling day here today even though it is 45°. It just feels like it is going right through me today. I will continue playing with trains and stay inside.  A few minor details and the yards will be done. 

        Nothing noteworthy to say so I will just wish everyone a happy Easter
Happy Easter, gang.

It's partly cloudy this morning and is expected to be more cloudy as the day progresses. 49 now and maybe 69 later with winds near 25 mph. In other words, much like yesterday.

Being outside for kids soccer was not the most pleasant yesterday with the wind blowing across ground still too cold for planting it felt quite chilly even though the sun was out and the temperature was in the mid 60s.

Today's plans have change original plan was for my daughter, her husband, and one son to come here for a late afternoon dinner. Now we are all going to my grandson's in-laws for dinner around noon. Should be fun. Not much else going on.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all and a Happy Easter as well. We hit 85 yesterday, suppose to be 90 today, and possibly 100 tomorrow and Tuesday. Going target shooting tomorrow, leaving early for sure.

Going to spend today at home, no family Easter dinner today, but our regular family dinner tomorrow. I still need to rest a bit so I'm OK with that. Yesterday was crazy here, seems like everyone brought two cars, left one in the parking lots and is driving around in the other. No wonder gas is so high. I now have two choices for cheap gas, I joined Sam's Club, gave that up many years ago, but they had something on sale that was $60 cheaper than Walmart and I had  a coupon so I joined for $25. As I remember, the last time I joined, it was $45, with $45 in credit. I like Costco, but it's so crowded there, hard to find a parking spot, long checkout lines and bumping into everyone takes to fun out of going there.

Have a great Easter day today. Lots of folks changing traditions thanks to the high price if eggs and candy. 

Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
A blessed Easter Day to Blue.
We have sun, 33/59 for the day.
The kids broke tradition by making separate plans but we will have dinner with one of them.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good Evening Everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. I had our ham in last night and left it cook slowly all night long. The future wife then prepared the rest of the food later on today for all of us. My foot on the other hand is doing better and I am not in as much pain as I was a few days ago. The weather is starting to get nice here and hopefully it is around to stay until Sept. Hope you all have a wonderful evening. Take care my friends.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Greetings, gang.

51 going to maybe the low 70s. Had a brief sprinkle overnight but we could sure use some more rain.

Fun day yesterday at grandson's in-laws. Lots of good food and conversation. There may (or may not) have been some typical family teasing involved.

Gym this morning and a bike ride this afternoon. As long as the wind stays low I may burn the branches from the bushes I cut back a couple weeks ago.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Nice day yesterday but missed 90 by one degree (official airport temp), today there's no doubt, they are forecasting 98. We'll be out in Tonopah target shooting, but we usually don't stay past 11:00. It'll still be in the 80's when we leave for home.

I hope everyone had a nice Easter, sounds like Matt did. Me, I too had a ham dinner, but by myself. My biggest issue is the time to prepare and then clean up, vs the time it takes to eat. I wish they made disposable pots and pans....

Still getting flood warnings, that's a lot of water being released, I hope it helps our ground water. Lost two more guys this weekend, the water in the Salt River was so turbulent that they couldn't even look for them. They found a kayak and a life vest floating near where they were last seen. This didn't make the newspaper, but there were two sections for sports yesterday. I'm about to give up my newspaper subscription. They are short of delivery drivers, they used to guarantee delivery by 6:00 AM, now I feel lucky if it's there before noon. That, plus my bill is always around $10 a month higher that it should be. I called to find out why and they said that's for those extra inserts they put in the Sunday edition, the one's about traveling to far off lands that I never read and can't tell them not to send. Wednesday and Sunday used to be chocked full of ad flyers, but not anymore. I think the cost of newspaper advertising has gone way up, plus we now have folks shopping on the Internet and having groceries and everything else delivered. A changing world...

Take care, have a great day, and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning
        It started at 32°  but is to reach 68° by noon.
        I have an errand to run then I hope to do some wiring in the train room. I have several sidings on the new section that I want to be able to cut the powere, and I missed one section that needs power supplied. I fiddled with my wifi adapter yesterday and managed to get my trains running with my phone for the throttle. The cab control outlet I had the wifi plugged into was not receiving the signal. A simple fix once I found the problem  I also got the 1 inch gaps behind the shelfs filled. 

       I have to do a driving day to find suitable pictures to print for background. I think they need to be railyard related. and industrial. I don/t have any (I can't find) that look usable. 

        Have a good week everyone.  I hope Deano, Bruce and Todd all return to the Gauge this week. I have no response to emails. I did have an email from Gary S in Texas. Wayne and I have been wondering about him. Here is his reply:

Hey, thanks to you and Wayne for thinking of me! 

I haven't been doing anything with my trains for awhile.  I had added another 800 square foot addition to my train room a few years ago, then ran out of steam.  My retirement from work is approaching in the next year, so I figure that will give me plenty of time to get back into the hobby.

I hope that all of you are doing well.  I'll have to stop back in to Big Blue sometime.

Send my regards to Wayne.

I really do appreciate that y'all thought of me!


Hello Blue
45/68 for the day. 
After many years, we gave up on our newspaper as well, with the same problems. Late delivery, no delivery, and always raising the price.
We had withdrawal pains but over it now. 
A nice Easter Sunday with our youngest son and family. A good meal, watched the Tigers lose again, then the Masters.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon folks

It is currently 59 heading up to 64.

We had a good weekend around the house. I got some tulips that were in pots planted. I put several plants back in their proper locations are the squirrels apparently relocated them at some point. I did some trimming of the weeping cherry tree. I basically removed branches that were out of line and did not have any blossoms on them. Inside the house the laundry got rearranged. My wife made the potato salad. My daughter did her baking, making her tres leches cake. This year she tried Easter bread after we forgot to order it ahead of time. The bread came out well. The only problem was a heated discussion between her and my son regarding the glazing of the bread. He did not want any glaze. She agreed to leave a section unglazed for him. However, she reneged on the agreement after he stole a piece of the bread. The last thing done was the coloring of the eggs.

Easter was a quiet day. We had our usual dinner attended by my wife, my son, my daughter, and myself. I handled the ham and the sweet potato casserole. My daughter made mac and cheese from scratch. The microwave took care of the vegetables. After dinner we found a movie on Apple TV called “Greyhound” starring Tom Hanks. It is about a US destroyer escorting a convoy during the Battle of the Atlantic in the Winter of 1942. It was an enjoyable movie and the fact my daughter and wife watched it through is a testament to that since they never watch war movies.

I did not get much done on the layout. I did glue down the foam board base for the Union Station. I organized my weathering pastels, pigments, and supplies. I also organized my airbrush paints and other airbrush supplies. I packed them in bins to make them easier to find and store. I worked on the walls for the Morgan House kit.

Today I have an appointment to see the Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist to see what if anything can be done about the hearing loss in my left ear. After dinner we will begin putting the Easter things away. Perhaps I will find time to continue working on the walls of the Morgan House and paint the base for the Union Station.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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