The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning. 

     We have a high predicted of 73 with current temperature at 61 and partly cloudy. 

     Tom, ants are an annual problem here but we use this and they are gone in a couple days. :Mix 1/2 C sugar, 1 1/2 Tbsp Borax, and 1.5 C warm water. Soak some cotton balls in the mixture, and put them out near the mess of ants. You can keep the mixture in a jar and use it whenever you see ants. Be sure to label it  Icon_e_biggrin

     I put some decals on the Q2 last night but I had to clear coat it to make them more durable. I was removing what I had installed when I handled it. I hope tonight I can finish. I only need one number on the cab, one on the tender rear, and the keystone on the nose. 

     I need numbers for the 6753 number boards too, and I am going to apply some CA to the appliances and the hand rails. They ttend to come off too easy. 

      The front yard is a swamp so I won't be mowing it and rain is in the forecast for tomorrow so I have a reprieve at least until the weekend.

      I have some family documents that need to be scanned and added to the tree. My oldest son had some military items from both sides. One of them was a program from a commemorative service for a pilot that was KIA April 11, 1945. No one in the family knew who it was and the location was not a family city we knew of.  I searched the name in the family tree and it immediately came up as my FIL's first cousin, then my wife remembered she had an aunt that had lost a son. 

      Enough pratter for this morning. Have a good week.
Greetings, gang.

Kind of hazy at the moment and it's supposed to get more cloudy as the day progresses. High in the mid 70s. Chances for rain every day through Saturday.

Sunday's first baseball game was called due to thunderstorms in the area. Second one was fine. Then I watched a rather mundane F1 race. Yesterday I went to the gym and then rode the bike for 14 miles. Today I need to mow the yard, Late this afternoon should find me at the theater for the latest "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie. $5.50 all day.

Gas was down to $3.13 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, we had a nice day shooting yesterday. We shot very well, knocked down all our targets within about 1/2 hour, then we kind of lost it, and couldn't hit a moose at 20 paces if there were any moose in the desert. We blamed the fact that we didn't eat breakfast of the way out like we usually do. Anyway, you can't have a bad day if you go target shooting, that and apparently my once defective gun is working.

Temps are around normal, got to 93 yesterday, but we went shooting early and left just as things started to heat up. As for gas, no change, we're still at $5.00 and up for regular. I do see some rain in next week's forecast. One says 65% for Monday, another says 4%. They may be in different parts of town, it still boggles my mind how they can be that far apart.

That's it for now, nothing big going on around here, the Phoenix Suns in the playoffs take up a lot of the local news, a few shootings here and few robberies and accidents there and that takes up the news hour.

Ya all have a great day, be careful, stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
No special news. I just got home from the footsie doctor. Stop for gas @ $3.29. Was the same at all the stations I passed. 
Sun this morning with a hi in the 70s.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all. well Monday came and went had a couple of appointments at the VA one in chandler the other in Tucson . eye doc says the pressure in left eye is a bit high so I need to see him again in 3 months urologist was the same more pills and see you in the fall. gas in Tucson was highest I've seen 4.66 at station I use gas in Yuma was 4.09 what gives Tucson is unsurely about 30 to 40 cents cheaper than Yuma. 

Charlie congrats we have two more years to hit that mark.

stay safe Jim.
Good Morning. 
        It is 44° heading for a high of 73° with no rain for today. 

        My wife had surgery yesterday and they kept her overnight. My daughter and I will pick her up sometime today when they release her. She came through the surgery fine but was nauseous from the anesthetics so they thought it wise to keep her. 50 years ago she would have been in the hospital for at least a week now they send you home the same day for most every thing.  

        My grandson came over yesterday. He loaded some dirt into my garden cart and we filled a new flower bed for my wife. I drove the tractor so I can say I helped.  I also mowed the dog yard with the bagger to pick up the willow seeds or whatever they are. They attach to the dogs fur and make a mess in the house 

        I probably won't get anything done today. Tending to my wife will be the main thing of the day. 
Happy Promontory Point Day, gang.

61 and sunny going to maybe the mid 70s later. Rain chances start tonight and last through Sunday.

Had fun at the movie yesterday. This morning I'll be heading to the gym and the rest of the to-do list is under discussion with management.

Gas dropped yet again to #3.10. It will skyrocket exactly one half hour before I need to fill the tank.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, not much to talk about this morning. Temps a bit cooler, into the high 80's, no change in gas prices, the absolute high I see locally is up in New River off I-17 at $5.69. It looks like a chance of rain starting this weekend, how much of a chance and what days depends on which of the many forecasts you're looking at.

Charlie, tell your wife we wish her the best and that she recovers quickly. You are right, it is rare they keep you overnight for most any surgery. I've got something coming up and they'll just put me in twilight sleep. They say I'll have to lay flat for two to four hours, then they kick you out.

They still don't have the part for my truck that was damaged back in November. It's on back order they say. I'm going to call Geico this morning and see if they want to replace my vehicle for a missing $50 piece of plastic, or maybe get someone with a 3D printer to fabricate one.

Got medical appointments for the next three days. I refused to get another CT scan on Monday, chose to go shooting instead. I'm not sure what the doctor will say, but I told them I had one in the same part of the body a few months ago and to go look at that scan. If there were other issues, the radiologist would have reported them, but apparently they didn't so I should be good to go.... CT scans are a good medical tool, but too much of a good thing isn't always good for you either.

Take care everyone, stay safe, there are still storm warnings out there.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Party cloudy and 65 with a guessed at high of around 80. Slight chance for rain sometime today.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. Routine trip to the gym followed by a routine trip to the grocery store. Bike ride later today.

As I predicted yesterday gas jumped 30 cents to $3.39. Eggs on the other had were down to $1.99.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, yesterday was 81, well below normal, back into the 90's starting today. No change in gas, that one station that was a $4.95 yesterday got whipped into shape and is now $4.99 like everyone else. Hobbled into my massage therapist yesterday and strutted back out an hour later. I'd do it everyday if it was covered by medicare....

Nothing else of much importance going on, one appointment this morning, two tomorrow but nothing planned for the immediate future. Woke up this morning and started thinking about my layout again, I might try and work on it some today. Thinking about it doesn't count I guess.

Got a refund check from Banner Health yesterday, they run the local hospitals, imaging centers and an array of doctors that I've seen. There's a bunch of numbers on it, but nothing to tell me what I overpaid on. I guess I could call and ask, but it doesn't really make much difference, I'll just go cash the check and be thankful that it wasn't a bill.

Take care and have a really nice day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning.
        My wife was released from the hospital yesterday and on limited duty for at least 14 days. I started to make breakfast this morning and she threw me out of the kitchen.  I expect she will till the garden this afternoon.  (she is one tough cookie). The doctor did say she did well and she would have been released on Tuesday but she was nauseous from the anesthetics. I am so blessed to have such a strong and healthy wife. 

        Everything railroad related from now on will have "East Palestine" worked into the newscast. This morning they reported a derailment in New Castle "just 15 miles east of "East Palestine"  NS put 9 cars on the ground and no hazmat was involved. "This comes just 96 days after the derailment in East Palestine".  I am actually watching a town implode, not from the wreck but by the folks reaction to the wreck and the media keeps adding to the problem. So far there have been no contaminants found  except on the railroad property and they are removing the roadbed for 2000 feet down to the point where they can find no PVC  and replacing all of it and taking the removed material somewhere where it will be neutralized, 

        It will be a nice day here with sun and temps in the 70's so I will mow.  This time of the year I could mow everyday if the ground was dryer. 

        No train room yesterday, maybe today. 
Ya'all stay safe
Good morning Blue.
Just checking in. No special plans for today.
We are enjoying weather in the low 80s. The snow should be gone soon. Walmart has removed the dog sled hitching post. LOL
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 63 outside my window this morning. Supposed to be in the upper 70s later. Got a half inch or rain yesterday morning in about 20 minutes. Then another quarter inch overnight in a slow steady drizzle. Good chances for rain all weekend.

Got a call from my grandson yesterday evening. It appears I'm hosting a picnic tomorrow evening. All the usual trimmings followed by an ice cream bar. This morning I'll be heading to one of the great-grandkids school for a play. Then I'll need to do some grocery shopping.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, today, as is every day, is a dedication day for a whole lot of things, this includes International Nurses Day, National Fudge Day, and of course, National Odometer Day, a very important day for everyone that drives. Tomorrow is so big, it's hard to contain ourselves waiting for it, NATIONAL TRAIN DAY (no longer observed by Amtrak though).

We are in the 90's again, the TV lady had a couple of 100's for next week, not unusual for around now. Need to fill up this morning. Going to Costco, still at $4.55, but $4.99 everywhere else in town, even though the national average is dropping. Go a few miles out of the Phoenix area, and you can save a dollar a gallon or more. Lowest price in Arizona is $3.24 in Wilcox, east of Tucson off I-10, about 10 gallons South of here.

Time to head out for breakfast, around six to eight of us get together on Monday and Friday, we are the group that used to go to Brenda's Kitchen just about everyday when Brenda owned it. Now we frequently see old customers from there who are not happy with the changes.

Have a great day, and a fun and relaxing weekend...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning.
       A wonderful day forecast for us and I only need to mow the dog area and that job is done for a couple days. I mowed the front area yesterday and  was pleasantly surprised at how dry it had become. I left no muddy tire tracks.  Icon_e_biggrin I have a few odd jobs to do, nothing too strenuous and I may have time to play with the trains. I did some light weathering on the patched ALCo Century yesterday so I will post some pictures of it too later on. 
       I hope ya'll have a great week end.

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