The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, not much to talk about, no change in the weather or gas prices. Trash pickup today instead of yesterday because of the holiday, half the folks don't pay attention and put their cans out Monday night anyway. 20 years ago we were thinking of moving to the new Sun City Grand development but I took a look at their CC&R's. One thing there was you could only have your garbage cans out on pickup day and they had to be taken in as soon as possible after pickup. Another stipulation was that your cans could not be visible from the road, but also, solid fences were not allowed so they had to go either in the garage, on the patio or keep them in the house. Eek Oh, the garage door could only be open if you were entering or leaving the premises. There were other restrictions, the CC&R book was about two inches thick. Talk about nothing to do, one day someone put a plant pot in front of their house, a while later, they had a meeting to decide what kind of pots were acceptable and where they could be put in your yard. Some 400 people showed up to that pot meeting. Hmm, maybe they though it was a different kind of pot they were talking about.... Waiting

Must be a slow news day when we talk about garbage cans and planter pots.... Take care, have a great and safe day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Temp is 78, cloudy, 85 this afternoon w/a threat of storms later.
Home from Aldis, eggs were 97 cents. Gas was $3.79.
Lots of traffic as those orange cones are everywhere. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all. Another no news day. Just a rubber stamp of the past few days, except that temps are ramping up. Should reach 112-116 on Saturday, still 110+ on Sunday. That could be the last 110 or higher day of this year. That would make it 54, a new record.

No change in gas prices, violence is at a steady pace, drive-by's, shootings, car chases and wrong-way driver crashes. Keep getting calls, emails and snail mail from the newspaper wanting me to come back, but I'm just burned out on local news, and their crappy delivery service; but even more, I sent them an email the other day that any respectable business would have responded to immediately, but not the Arizona Republic. Nooop, I even told the last one that called to read my email first, then call back.... "but sir, I don't have access to that"... tough noogies as we use to say as kids, find a way.

Got a call from the body shop, my door trim part for my truck finally arrived. Back in December, they replaced the entire passenger side of my truck, fender, two doors, rear bed panel, running board and all the trim but one piece. I told her to put an armed guard on it until they can install it but she had no idea why I said that, then she said, "well, it's only been eight months". Don't know who was funnier, her or me.... She still didn't get it. It's on the schedule for next Tuesday.

That's it folks, have fun today, stop by my house if you feel the need to warm up a bit. I start off with a bottle of cold water in my truck and a half-hour later, it's too hot to drink. If I'm going anywhere that takes time, like a doctor appointment, I fill the bottle with crushed ice, but it's all melted and warm by the time I'm heading home.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
from our village newsletter
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

55 going to the low 80s maybe. Warm through the weekend then very fall-like temperatures next week.

Much like Don it's been very quiet around here. I managed to get my car washed and waxed yesterday. Otherwise nothing going on around here until Sunday when I attend a football game for one of the great-grandsons.

David - very funny. Loved the humor (humour).

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people of Big Blue, Worship Worship Cannot believe we are into our second week of September already. I know that because I just got my mortgage statement. I'm waiting for the shock of seeing the one from the the power company. Today we're shooting for 110, tomorrow 114 again, I know, the whole world is in a heat wave, but this is just a bit excessive even for Arizona.

That's it, staying home except for breakfast, got our Friday morning group at 6:00. Just a bunch of old farts, the restaurant is right across from the hospital's ER just in case we have any old folk issues. Nope 

Y'all have a great weekend, stay safe, stay cool, remember, fall is less than two weeks away.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening folks

It was another hot day, but I was not out in it.

I received my second back injection this morning and I have been dealing with the after affects of the twilight anesthesia all day. At times I feel full of energy and at others I will fall sleep no matter where I am. My back does not hurt, so that is good. First bit of relief in a couple of months.

This weekend I will probably drive to Delaware and get gas. I have some grocery shopping to do. There is even some of the evil laundry to take care of. There are a few yard projects and house projects, but I need to be careful as there is no heavy lifting allowed for the weekend.

Depending on how I feel and my energy level I have roadbed to glue, and track to tack down. I am hoping the feeders arrive this weekend so I can work on the wiring. If I have a real good weekend the double track main line will be done and wire with four power districts and I can resume running trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 58 going to maybe 85 later. 40% chance of light showers tonight and tomorrow.

Only project accomplished yesterday was trimming some bushes back along the sidewalk and driveway. Today is laundry and then college football at 11.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning once again. Yesterday morning looked real good, lots of clouds as the sun came up, but one more disappointing day when the sun burned off all the clouds and it was just another hot day in paradise. 110 to tie the record, today's 112+ will set a new one of 54 days of 110 or higher, the summer of all summers.

Several stations are now tie with Costco and Sam's at $4.39 for regular. That's not normal, we all pay a membership fee to get lower prices on everything, including gas, I know Sam's will give me my membership money back, but I've been with Costco now since they became Costco back in the 90's, we have a partnership and they're not holding their end up.

Nothing else significant, got 9 1/2 hours sleep in so we know it's Saturday. Nothing planned.... OMG, it is football season already. Can you imagine, it will be 105 tonight when Oklahoma plays Arizona State in Tempe. Nope, the stadium is open, don't know which would be worse, watching the game in the stands or playing on the field.

Everyone have a great and safe weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
       We have clouds and had some rain overnight. Possible showers later. 

        Tom, I hope these injections work for you. Railcop has a friend that has severe back problems and was on the max dose of OxyContin with little relief. They got him on medical marijuana and he is for the most part pain free. We have an issue coming on our ballot this fall to legalise it and I have reversed my feelings about it and will vote for the issue. I am seeing too many drug companies planning on striking it rich off something that could be a viable home remedy. It irks me that they won't even consider possible benefits of this drug because it is too easy to grow and not a high profit item for them. 

        Gas prices will continue to rise and we might just as well get used to it. We have a car and a truck, the car is almost 6 years old and has 27000 miles on it and I have had the truck for 8 years and driven it 4500 miles. That is how I combat high gas prices. I actually enjoy staying home. 

         Have  grand weekend

Hi all. Been sometime since I've posted things have been kind of balsa here still can't drive myself also have put the walker away but use a cane hoping things will get better as the weather cools off .
stay safe  JIM
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 61 with a 50% chance or rain overnight tonight followed by more fall like temperatures in the week ahead.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Watched my college team go down in flames again. Today is football for one of the great-grandsons. Always fun - win lose or draw.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, I was sweating last night. The power company was playing with my thermostat again, saw it was set for 86. What they do is drive the temp down below what you have it set at to "pre-cool" the house right before they raise it during what they call their "peak hours". Yeah, we hit 114, a record for that day, plus a new record of 54 days at 110 or higher. Today may be more of the same, so many heat and no rain records broken this year I'm not sure how anyone can keep track.

Jim, sounds like you're slowly getting better. I've said it before, at our ages nothing that we do happens fast, especially healing. I wish you the best.

Whoopee, Costco and Sam's dropped three cents to $4.36, still not worth driving three miles one way to save less than fifty cents and spend over a dollar on gas to do it.

Football today, like Tom, my alma mater, Arizona State did not fare well either. Well, lets see how the pros do today. Take care, enjoy the day and stay safe and healthy.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Cloudy. 60/75 for today. Sunset is 7:51. We are losing a lot of daylight.
No train news. Watched college football most of the afternoon Saturday. All my teams won.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Got all back to work okay and hit the ground running. Already done 1800 miles since I started up again last Thursday. Been hot and windy most of the way. Hoping to be in Laurel MD in a couple days.
Modeling the East Broad Top as it was between 1937-1942

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