The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Rain and 50 degrees outside my window this morning. It may (or may not) get to the mid 50s. So far about a half inch of rain with lots more predicted by Sunday.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. I did a couple loads of laundry in anticipation of my trip this weekend. I'll be leaving here in the morning for the annual train show in Beatrice, NE. I'll be back on Monday. A little different this year. My buddy and his wife both have some kind of cough and have requested that I not stay with them so I have made reservations at a nearby motel. On the way home Monday I need to stop at my granddaughter's house to pick up something and then try to surprise a high school friend and his wife.

All stay safe.


And this is why I have my own rain gauge. The amount reported above was gathered from the NWS web site as it was raining quite heavily at the time. It has since let up so I went out to look. So far I have over an inch and a half with another couple inches predicted by Sunday.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good friends, we did stay in the mid-90's yesterday, but probably back to 100 by Monday. Rain still a few weeks off. Gas is slowly dropping, but we've been warned that could change soon thanks to what's going on in the Middle East. We are, of course, out of emergency oil reserve, used it up to artificially keep oil prices stable, meaning high where they were high, and low where they were low.

Still taking it easy, working on my Christmas projects and got two done already.

That's it for now, I do have a busy schedule the rest of this week and next, but I'll still be checking in. Need something done, you can always ask Mikey.

Take care, enjoy the day, and both Tom's, enjoy your trips and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 50s for the day. Nights are getting colder. Furnace is set at 71 and has been running. Outdoor 70s are probably just a memory now.
I ventured out yesterday and 2 stations I saw gas @ $3.39. Others were higher. Aldi's eggs were down near a dollar. It's about the only food item with a price drop.
No toy train news though.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, breezy, and 55 outside my window this morning. So far almost 2.5 inches of rain since Wed. evening with more predicted for today and tomorrow.

Got packed yesterday except for the last minute stuff. Should be out of here by 8ish and in Nebraska around 1. Participation here will be spotty over the next few days.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Have  safe trip Tom. 

I worked on the passenger car lighting for a while last night. I added an extra capacitor to increase the length of time the lights would remain on without power. I will take some photos and put them in my layout thread this evening along with some explanation

It is currently 47 heading for 64 with the rain holding off for today.  I have no idea what I will do today but it has a lot to do with being retired.  Icon_e_biggrin

Good morning, temps in the mid-60's right now, low enough that the air pressure in my tires is low enough to trip the alarms. Either that, or I picked up four nails. Cool today, high 80's, but back up to 100 over the weekend.

Gas dropping another dime, $4.59 is a common price, tops is $5.29 (stupid), lows are under $3.59 to $3.98

Have a great weekend, football, hot dogs, running trains, whatever floats your boat, just be prudent and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
It's 48 degrees and raining. Looks like some wet football games today. Yes they still play but it does change the game. 
A good forum friend went from being a healthy man to finding out he has a brain tumor almost overnight. Most of us know how fast our lives can change. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
are we missing some posts when i log on it says last post oct.12 today is the 16th.
anyway, is Monday again Icon_eek
hi all. same old things going on worked on some trac issues this morning till the oven (read as garage) got too warm for me so went to work on buildings for ludlow . have to go to yuma VA tomorrow for the annual bloodletting. that's about it stay safe.
Greetings, gang.

Clear and somewhat cool this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 37 now going to maybe the mid 60s by this afternoon.  Between Wed. night and Saturday I accumulated over 3.5 inches of much needed rain.

The train show was quite a success for me.  I managed to score a Lionel veranda style turbine (#71) and a couple of Kadee cars.  Also bought one building for the B&S.  At the end of the show the vendor gave me three other buildings as he did not want to pack them up.  Other than that it was a lot of fun reconnecting with the other club members.  On the way home yesterday I stopped at my granddaughter's place for a few minutes and then at a high school friend's for a couple of hours.  Overall a very good weekend.

Today I will be paying the price with laundry and cleaning.  Also need to have another leaf roundup.

Gas dropped again while I was gone.  Down to $3.12 when I got back to town yesterday.  Gas was $3.62 in Beatrice over the weekend.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning
        I am glad to read you had a great week end Tom.  

        It is currently 48 degrees with a possibility of 54 for the high. We have some light rain.

        I worked on the passenger car lighting yesterday and put some black paint on an ALCo Century that I am patching for Conrail. I also added another 16 feet of shelf for displaying trains.  It is time to stop acquiring any more. 

        Everyone stay safe
Greetings, gang.

It's a partly cloudy 53 degrees in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Supposed to get to the mid 60s again this afternoon with a chance of some sprinkles or light rain.

Yesterday turned out to be very productive for me. I got some boards painted for a project I'm working on, all the laundry caught up, and a couple of other minor jobs. Also had a decent swim at the gym. There was a guy a couple of lanes over who was either very important or tried to get people to think he was very important. He would swim a few laps and the check his phone. Text for a while and swim again. I never did get the leaves cleaned up as they were still too wet from all the rain over the weekend. I'll probably work on that today. Also need to make a Walmart run.

On the way to the gym I noticed one station had raised the price of gas to $3.29 so after the gym I went to Walmart/Murphy Oil and filled up before they raised their price. Murphy was at $3.09 so I got there in tome.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Just checking in.
Errands yesterday, gas prices were all over the place. $3.07 to $3.59. Depending where you were.
Cloudy all day yesterday, hoping for some sun today with a lower Mich Hi around 60. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon. 
        Nice day here with 64 degrees.  Gas was 3.07 when my wife was out yesterday so she filled up.

         Don. we are missing you, I hope ll is well.

        Rain on the way tomorrow so I will get another day off....I love retirement

         Switching the internet to Tmobile.  Got a deal for 40 bucks a month unlimited. I pay 76 now and have to cry every 2 years so cable does not raise the rate to 125.  I will report speeds and service when I get hooked up. I also get a 200 dollar rebate and they pay my comcast penalty too. We use tmobile for phone and it is great. 

        Have a good day
Big Grin 
I thought I would add to the post about the T Mobile switch. I got the router via UPS this afternoon and had it up and running in about 15 minutes. 
It is as fast as the cable and the only problem I had was setting up the printer. I called and got a very helpful lady that got some of the problem solved but I was too tired to continue.  When I had hung up and rested a while I renamed the new network the same as the old one with the same password and everything just automatically fell into place.   Icon_e_biggrin

Greetings, gang.

Clear and 49 maybe going to the low 60s. Possibly the low 70s tomorrow.

Another productive day yesterday. Got all my shopping done along with rounding up leaves and mowing the yard. In the afternoon I finished up a project as far as I can til the cold weather sets in. This morning I need to haul off the yard waste and after lunch I'll be heading to the gym.

Charlie - very nice. By comparison by download speed is about 3 Mbps. I can get faster speed by upgrading to carrier pigeon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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