The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Happy Thanksgiving, gang.

A little cool this morning at 28 degrees but it should be sunny with a high in the uppers30s later on.

Finished cleaning the house yesterday in preparation for today's visitors. My daughter and part of her family will be here for food and fun. The pies (the most important part of the day in my opinion) are made and resting comfortable in the refrigerator. I hope you all enjoy this day.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Happy Thanksgiving Blue.
Tom I agree, pass the turkey and then the pies. Never mind the rest. LOL
Dinner will be at oldest son's house with our little family of 15. They live close so we are not actually traveling.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning and a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all, even those that don't celebrate it.

Got another year of just me and a whole roasted turkey. We will celebrate Thanksgiving dinner at Pat's house on Saturday when the whole family can get together. That's fine, I just can't go a Thanksgiving without chewing on a turkey leg.

Take care, enjoy the day whatever it is that you're doing today....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

18 going to 30. Brrr.

Hope everyone had their fill yesterday. Dinner here was pretty quiet but very pleasant with just my daughter and her husband. Lots of food and good conversation. Today is football at 11. Tomorrow I may clean up the (hopefully) last of the leaves. Then Sunday is the final F1 race of the season.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, I haven't been out yet, but I'm expecting the line to get into Walmart to be close to my house, and the closest store is two miles away. I'm sure folks are lined up at Costco and other stores that don't open yet for a few hours. They should call today, "Madness Friday".

Had a decent Thanksgiving, I hope you all did. Ate turkey and dressing, the easiest thing to make and am left with lots of leftover. Need to get most of it into the freezer, but my vacuum bag maker is not making vacuum bags, so that's in my list. Pat's coming over early so first on his list is to brine the turkey for tomorrow, first on my list is to get the Christmas tree up while he's here. Next is to fix that machine that's not that old. I cleaned the gaskets and now there's a leak somewhere.

Yeah, there is a lot of football today and tomorrow, Arizona State has had a wretched season, but can play spoiler if the beat the U of Arizona tomorrow, our mortal enemy.

Have a great day, be really careful if you go out shopping, those guys can get vicious when they see something on sale.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Howdy gang
       I had a great Thanksgiving. We went to our second oldest sons for turkey and all the trimmings. even had a chocolate pie that was great and I did not overeat. 

       I turned the outside water off and drained the lines. A bit late but the weather has really been warm so no need until now. Snow is in the long range forecast. 

       I have been scanning the remainder of my mothers pictures. Many are from the 40's and are in good shape. ai intend to make disks for all of the family and include all of the current photos I have family related then I intend to donate all of the photos to the historical society along with a disk.  The time consuming part is dating and putting names in the file name so they can be found quickly with a search.  I need a program that I can change the canvas size to make room for bottom captioning. I have a program that will put the file name on the photo and if that is visible a slide show would be self descriptive.

       I fine tuned the  sound in the FP45.  I was having some problems but I realized I had too many locomotives in the power district I was testing it in and the breaker was opening the circuit.  Time to remove a few more from the layout now I have more shelf space.

        I also built 4 more blue box 38 ton hoppers.  I have been drilling and tapping and installing screws for the couplers as I go so I don't have to look for the clips when they come apart.   

Happy weekend. Glad you all had a nice Thanksgiving.
Greetings, gang.

24 going to maybe 30. Had a dusting of snow overnight with the threat (or promise, depending on your viewpoint) of more today and tonight. Strong winds tomorrow.

As expected my football team went down in flames again. Lost by a last second field goal. The last 6 meetings between the two teams have been decided by 6 points or less. Oh, well. There's always next year.

With the overnight snow half my plans for the day have been canceled. Laundry is still on the list but there will be no collection of leaves until sometime next week when the temperature gets back in to the 40s. In addition, I pulled a Don today. Slept until after 7. Very unusual for me.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, work up like it was a weekday, realized my error and went back to sleep for another hour+. Always nice when that happens.

Not much going on, I must have had 100 "black Friday sale" emails, I don't mind hearing from some of these folks normally, but this was really getting annoying. I had breakfast yesterday with our Monday/Friday group, went home and stayed there all day. I can't tell you how bad it was out there, and I really didn't care. I'm sure there's more than enough left for me to go shopping next week if I think I need something.

Was suppose to rain last night and this morning, nope, not a drop. Next scheduled rain is a week from today.

That's it, have a fine and safe weekend, hope your teams win if that's important to you, Arizona State plays U of Arizona today, it's early enough that I can watch it. Usually they play at night and I'm ready to go to sleep by then. Take care and enjoy the day,
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue. 

      37° here with a high of 44° predicted. The snow for tomorrow is now to be rain. 

      I was up until 2AM (not unusual for me) but this morning I took my BP pill at 07:30 and went back to sleep and got another 2 hours.  Ibuprofen and Tylenol are my must have drugs today. Arthurites is really hitting my shoulders and this seems to keep it at bay. 

       Not much on the list for today so I may work in the train room again

Greetings, gang.

Clear and cold this morning outside my window. 13 now going to maybe 30 with intermittent clouds.

After watching the final F1 race of the season yesterday I had to go out and shovel 2" of "a trace to a half inch" of snow. Possibly some flurries predicted for tonight so I should probably get the snow blower ready. Not much planned for today. Basketball game at 4 for one of the great-grandsons.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 46 at the moment. High will be 47. This will be the warmest day this week as temperatures will be in the mid-thirties.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Our dinner came out better than expected. No issues with the turkey cooking. We finally figured out that the temperature displayed on the oven is about 75 degrees higher than the actual oven temperature. Our side dishes were delicious, and my daughter’s made from scratch pumpkin pie and chocolate pecan pie were the hit of the day.

Unfortunately, the overnight was not good. My wife had a major asthma attack that required a call to 911 as her rescue inhalers and nebulizer were not helping. After a four-hour visit to the ER, she was better and able to come home. She has been getting better each day, but the medication is driving her blood sugar up. After she was settled in and with both kids home, I had to go into work to finish up a bunch of paperwork. So no Black Friday shopping for us.

Saturday, we drove to Bethlehem to the site of the old Bethlehem Steel Mill now called Steel Stacks for the Christkindlmarkt. My wife, my daughter, and I had a good time walking around and shopping. Each of us was able to knock a few things off our gift lists. We stopped for a nice dinner on the way home.

Sunday was spent around the house. While my wife and daughter went out to Target and Dollar Tree my son and I brought the outdoor tables in and set them up in the attic and brought the potted plants in from the garage and put them on the tables. I also began taking down the Thanksgiving decorations. I made the turkey noodle soup from the leftovers. Later my daughter set up the Christmas tree, so the cats and dog get over their curiosity of it.

I did not do much modeling. I began inventorying my unbuilt kits and I put away a number of cars that had been sitting on the layout.

Today for dinner my daughter will use the last of the turkey to make jambalaya. I hope to put the Thanksgiving decoration bins away and start on the Christmas decorations. I will continue inventorying the unbuilt kits.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hi all. well its another Monday things are b the same here cold(i know you don't think Arizona is cold but when your accustomed to 100-degree weather in the 40's is cold) not much else to report.
Good morning, I agree with Jim, when it gets down below the 60's, it's chilly and jacket weather, but we'll trade that any day for those wretched 115 days. I have a friend originally from PA, came to breakfast this morning in shorts and T-shirt. We can easily ID the snowbirds that way.

Watched a bit of football over the weekend, Arizona State went down in flames, Arizona Cardinals were even worse. I'm betting they won't blame their multi-million dollar players, (in the case of the Cardinals), but out goes the two new coaches. Just a hunch. But not to worry, they'll walk away with a huge severance check. They cycle through coaches and buy out their contracts, but keep a roster of rich but bumbling players. I frankly don't care, I have nothing to gain whether they win or lose.

Was going to buy something off the Internet from Walmart, "cyber Monday deal", yesterday it was $229, today is Cyber Monday and the price is now $259. One needs to be aware of scams, but Walmart?

Take care, have a nice and peaceful day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Jim and Don, you'll love it here. The morning started out at a lovely 5 and has since warmed up to a positively balmy (or is that as our British friends would say, barmy) 7. High for today is guessed to be in the mid 30s.

Quiet day yesterday. I checked on a prescription that was supposed to be sent to my local pharmacy. Seems they sent it to the wrong one. All is resolved. I did pick up a few groceries while i was out. Late afternoon I wound up going to a basketball game for one of the great-grandsons. Also got the rest of the boards stained for the park bench that sits outside my back door. Next week after all the volatile chemicals have dissipated I'll start varnishing them. Once that is done I will put angle iron under the seat boards. Seems some of my family have put some stress on the boards. Plenty of time for everything to cure before I put it back outside. With the warmer weather predicted for tomorrow (mid 40s) I will put the summer toys away and get the winter toys out. Also need to service my snow blower for the season.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
We have bright sun at 19 degrees. 29 for the day. We meandered yesterday morning and gas was in the $3.29 range most places. Nothing in my train world.
Just checking in.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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