Digital Image Suite 9--- help---
Anyone using this program for photos.
I am have a few problems and can not find the anwser.
Looking for some help.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I use a program called PhotoPlus. If you can't get help though, I'll be glad to come down and see if I can work through it. Most photo apps are similar so I might be able to help you.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I use MS Picture It 10.
Like Don said, most of the apps are the same.
If you can tell us the problem, maybe we could help
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Here is two of my problems. (1) I import the photos from the memory card into a image library. When you pull up that file you have thumnails of the photos that you can edit. My problem is when I open the file the thumnails are not displayed, shows some type of image that is not the actual photo. If you click on that image you will get the photo full size on the screen. You then can edit or what ever. Hard to find you photos when there are a number of thumbnails that you can not see. (2) Also I can't seem to be able to delete a folder in the library, shows the folder even if I delet the photos.
Thanks for you help.
Don, I just might give you a call as I have a project that I need to complete before the end of June.
I can install a small decoder into a N scale loccomotive with ease-- this is not the same. Too many buttons to push! Microsoft hand book is of no help.
Thanks again, ezdays and eightyeightfan1 for your reply.
You might have to download the pics on to the computer first, then import them to your Picture Enhancing Program.
Even with MS Picture It, I have to download to the computer, in a sub-file in MY Pictures file first. I can't just import from the device. My Kodak EasyShare dock, downloads the pictures from the camera into its own folder. Then I can transfer them to My Pictures folder. The reason you might get a different image on your thumbnails might have to with the program. Try downloading into a seperate file, different from your PHP.
When deleting pictures, unless you're planning on using that folder again, just delete the whole folder instead of the individual pictures. Right click on the folder. A drop down menu should pop up. It should have "Move Folder" "Delete" and a couple of other prompts. Click on "Delete". A window should open asking if you want to move the folder to "Recycling Bin".
Hope that helps.
Hope you're not using a Mac...........
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Using Windows Vista. When I first installed the Digital Image program it worked fine. Now it is like I have changed some default or something.
I import the photos from the CompactFlash memory card into my printer whch has a plug in port for the memory card. You ID the file and them you could use the thumbnails to edit. I would think that this is going into the hard drive. As far as cleaning up the folders, there seems to be no way I can remove a folder.
At least I can't seem to be able to to that.
Like I said earler-- DCC installs into a N or Z scale loco are a lot easer for me that working with computers.
Thank for your time.

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