Officially unemployed
My employer (the state of Arizona) ran out of money, and I was officially laid off today. Wallbang While I now technically have plenty of time for modeling, I need to focus my time and resources towards finding a job. Wish me luck.
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Good Luck.

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
Good luck Kevin, we wish you the best. You know, of course, that the state just billed the Federal Government close to $1 billion as payment for housing all those illegal (undocumented) workers who have committed crimes and are being housed here complements of the State of Arizona prison system? I'm sure the feds will be paying that invoice promptly and you'll be back at your job in no time Nope ... Let's hope anyway.

Good luck my friend, keep us posted on how you're doing.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Sorry to hear that, best of luck with the hunt

The real irritating thing is that state law requires that the first to get laid off are those with lowest seniority, regardless of skills, training, importance, or workload. That means, the Department of Water Resources is now staffed by institutionalized workers, 5 years from retirement, with little motivation and less skills. There is going to be a huge knowledge and information gap. Earlier this week, I literally had to explain to someone (who still remains) how to save their excel file. Those people are the ones that remain.
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Yup, that's how it generally goes!! Lay off the skilled people, keep the unskilled ones. Especially those who are someone's brother-in-law!! If you keep the unskilled ones, you don't have to worry about paying them as much as the skilled workers. Been there, had that done to me! As an ex-Arizona resident, I know how tough it can be to find meaningful employment. Especially in these troubled times. Best of luck to you, Kevin. Thumbsup
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
I hope your situation changes rapidly - and for the better!

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
Kevin---my Grandmother used to say: "when one door closes,two open".Hopefully this will be an opportunity to find something better.Try to stay positive and good luck.
Sorry to hear about that. Best wishes Kevin! I hope something new comes your way soon.
I'm sorry to hear about this too, Kevin. It's got to be somewhat frightening being laid off right now, considering the economy. But hey, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Hit the pavement running, and I am sure you will find something even better! I wish you the very best.

Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
nachoman Wrote:Don,

The real irritating thing is that state law requires that the first to get laid off are those with lowest seniority, regardless of skills, training, importance, or workload. That means, the Department of Water Resources is now staffed by institutionalized workers, 5 years from retirement, with little motivation and less skills. There is going to be a huge knowledge and information gap. Earlier this week, I literally had to explain to someone (who still remains) how to save their excel file. Those people are the ones that remain.

This kinda B.S. really irritates me. Wallbang
This news really bites. I hope you get some help from the State in getting relocated/re-hired/re-trained...something...even if it is a few hundred dollars for a job placement firm to help.

Sorry to hear of this news, Kevin. Best of luck with the job hunt, but don't forget to stay in touch, too.

nachoman Wrote:Don,
The real irritating thing is that state law requires that the first to get laid off are those with lowest seniority, regardless of skills, training, importance, or workload.

Just goes to prove.....if you want something FUBAR, let "the government" do it.

The lowest levels of skills, training, importance, or workload, usually belong to legislators.(put 32 legislators in a get half a brain.)

Government competence, is clearly demonstrated by the recent exploits of "Captain Underpants" was pure fate, that there wasn't a boom!, and a crashed aircraft.

Hoping you find work quickly, may fortune favor you.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
thanks for the good wishes, everyone. You all are absolutely right - this could be another door opening for me and land me a better job with better pay. There are a few interesting opportunities out there.

As for the state keeping the longest tenured - that is actually state law. I don't know how the law got in there, but my guess is that it was through lobbying by the state employees union. The governor and the legislature had the option of suspending the law in a time of crisis, but they decided not to do that.
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