Searching my way back to normality...
Hi Folks,

it is a long time since I have been active at this forum. Now this is a try to get back into my good old model RR forums again. I have been off line almost all of the year 2009 - and what a lousy year this has been for me - apart from one single positive happening!

First of all let me say a cordial "thank you" to all of my friends who thought of me and sent me PMs or congratulations to my birthday. And at the same time I apologize that I haven't even been able to send them an answer. I just couldn't get enough energy together to thank you all!

Let me explain.

Until 2007 I loved to do long hiking tours in the Swiss Alps, but then my right hip started to hurt more and more. In the Spring 2008 it became so painful that through this year I couldn't do one single hike. I tried some physical therapy, but it didn't help at all. So I had to face surgery to replace my hip joint. This was planned for early 2009. So far, so good. (At that time I still was quite active here...)

In mid-January there happened the only really good thing in this year 2009 - we got our first granddaughter. Now this was really great, and the little girl was a sunshine from the start - and she still is! But our daughter had massive problems after birth - so my wife and I were quite busy with traveling back and forth (some 150 miles distance), helping in their household...

And as it turned out, this stress was a bit too much for me. In Spring I was next having problems, suffering a heavy heart attack, necessitating some heart surgery, followed by a three month rehabilitation program. Because I now have to swallow blood-thinning meds, the hip operation had to be cancelled. Walking became more and more painful, so I even had to leave out a part of my rehabilitation program, which didn't help either. Live quality decreased and decreased for me. And being a bit the type of the Lone Wolf, I retreated into my snail shell, cut my contacts to my surroundings.

To top it off, in July my heart acted up again - another heart artery suddenly was closed for 97%! A balloon dilatation did the trick (for how long???), but now the hip operation is postponed again, at least until next Autumn. No wonder I started getting depressions. These negative feelings were even strengthened, when a very close friend, same age like me (66), died unexpectedly - he simply didn't wake up in the morning! I sat around, brooding, having no wish or courage to do something at all. From time to time I visited 'my' forums in the internet, but I never found the energy to join a discussion, let alone doing something on my railroad and showing it off to the others.

Then I had the luck to meet one of my former students who is a psychiatrist now. We started a conversation, and for him it was quite obvious that I had serious problems. To make the story short: He managed to show me new perspectives, and he succeeded to pull me out of my depressions. I'm still not really happy with the situation, but at least I found new courage to analyze my problems and to make the best out of them. Now I try to find my way back to the 'normal' life I used to lived before 2009.

But back to model railroads: I simply have to redo my layout, because I can't work under the benchwork or up near the ceiling any longer. I'll have to do construction work without physical stress (i.e. simply standing, without much stooping or climbing...) Even better will be sitting work at the table - build structures, cars etc. So I started planning a new, much simpler layout with everything in easy reaching distance. And finally I found again the intention and the courage to 'join the crowd', to learn from you and perhaps even to report a trick or two to you guys and gals.

So I sincerely hope that once more I'll be able to throw in my 2 cents worth to different threads in this forum.


( PS: I posted the same letter in several forums. So if you see this for the second time, please excuse me for not composing several different texts saying basically the same. )
Boss of the Trim Creek & Western RR (H0 & H0n3)
Running through the hard-shell mountains, not around them!
Wow what a year. We are very fortunate to have you back after all of that. It is also very positive to see you returning to the hobby. I consider model railroading to be a therapy of sorts. Having models to build has gotten me through some rough stretches of my own. I hope we hear lots more from you in the future!
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tail-parts</a><!-- m -->
All Best Ron. Here's hoping things can only get better for you. Stay positive my man. Thumbsup
Oh Man - Ron!! It's great to have you back online as well as re-designing a new layout.. Take care!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Wow Ron. That is a real bummer. It's great to see you back on here. Take care of yourself.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
It's GREAT to see you back again Ron. You were missed. Hopefully you can incorporate us as a part of your mental therapy. Your last layout was very interesting (to say the least) and I while I'm saddened to hear of its demise, I look forward to seeing plans, pictures or concepts of this new one you speak of.
Gee wizz Ron sounds like youve been to hello and back. Even tho it seems life was out to slow you down at least your friend helped you come back to normal life style and as you know us here we will be here to further support you. Now the fun begins with a new layout :hey: cant wait.
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Hello Ron! Yes, you have been missed.
Sorry to hear that there's no more long hikes through the alps (for now at least), but your long hike through the darkness, may have brought you to a new path......different, and new. We tend to take the sunshine for granted, until we venture into that darkness, but the light and warmth of the sun feels the better for the trip.
We look forward to seeing what you're up to, here, again...........and 66 isn't that bad, I crossed that threshold last November......aches, pains, and all, but still alive and able to enjoy whatever good that comes along. (and of course, blame the "government" for all the bad. Big Grin Big Grin )
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Welcome back, Ron!! Good to have you here!! What I wouldn't give just to see the Alps, again!!
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"

Welcome back. I'm glad you felt good enough to join us again and comfortable enough to tell us about the things that have been going on in your life. It was always a pleasure to hear from you on the forum and to see your fine work. I am very pleased to have you back with us. Best wishes to you for all that you are dealing with both physical and mental. You sound like such a strong person! I admire your efforts to heal and to reclaim life's joys.

damn Ron sounds like times have been tough, but glad to see your doing better mentaly if not physicaly.
Hi Ron, it's great to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear of your problems, but glad to hear you are regaining a positive outlook. Rest assured you have a group of people pulling for you!

BRAVO! Just to gather the courage to write that all out, put it up for all to see, takes strength and courage. I really hope things not only turn around, but drastically improve for you. As for the layout? You get the opportunity to start fresh. Enjoy the planning and design process.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
Dear friends, I'd like to thank you all heartily for the warm welcome back to the Big Blue forum!

Your kind words supported my morale further, and this supported me on my way back to normality. It really felt good to me to see that others worry for me and my problems.

Your posts really boosted my energy - and so I started planning my new, smaller layout with much enthusiasm. After a long pause I fired up my 3rdPlanIt software again and started drawing out a new track plan. At the moment it is still quite sketchy, but I hope to post some pics of it as soon as possible.

And last Saturday I began to tear down the old layout to get free space for the new TC&W.

Again, thanks a lot, my friends! You really helped me along to get my feet back on firm ground. And believe me, that's a GOOD feeling! Thumbsup

Boss of the Trim Creek & Western RR (H0 & H0n3)
Running through the hard-shell mountains, not around them!
RailRon Wrote:Dear friends, I'd like to thank you all heartily for the warm welcome back to the Big Blue forum!

Your kind words supported my morale further, and this supported me on my way back to normality. It really felt good to me to see that others worry for me and my problems.

Your posts really boosted my energy - and so I started planning my new, smaller layout with much enthusiasm. After a long pause I fired up my 3rdPlanIt software again and started drawing out a new track plan. At the moment it is still quite sketchy, but I hope to post some pics of it as soon as possible.

And last Saturday I began to tear down the old layout to get free space for the new TC&W.

Again, thanks a lot, my friends! You really helped me along to get my feet back on firm ground. And believe me, that's a GOOD feeling! Thumbsup

Great!!! I know what you mean there... the friendly competition and idea trading here most always motivates me to build something Smile Big Grin Smile

Your comments also reinforce something i've always said.

It's a great feeling when you find out that; people you have never met face-to-face are friends!!!!

Cant wait to see what plans you come up with Thumbsup Thumbsup
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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