Ralph's 2010 Spring Bash Challenge
That turned out really nice, Ralph. I'll be looking forward to seeing the caboose assembled.

Again, it is really interesting to see all these projects take shape.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Here's how it looks with the body on the chassis. Next comes trucks, couplers, and a smoke stack...and then it will be time to put the caboose in service on the layout.

[Image: IMG_1310.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1311.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1312.jpg]

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That cabin really turned out well! Thanks for sharing.
OK, the caboose is pretty much completed. I've added couplers and fashioned the characteristic N8 smokestack out of sprues. After applying a little artists chalk weathering and I think its ready for the layout! I'm glad I kept that 1970 Railroad Model Craftsman article about transforming a Tyco caboose into a " reasonable N8"...it only took me 40 years to finally get around to it! Goldth

[Image: IMG_1320.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1322.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1323.jpg]

Very well done.
Nice job Thumbsup
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
What kind of couplers are those?
Nice job Ralph. Thank you for sharing your work. Thumbsup
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
that is going to look good on the end of your trains!
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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Nice work, Ralph and well-worth the 40 year wait. Wink Goldth

Puddlejumper Wrote:What kind of couplers are those?

Those couplers are an early style of Kadees and are the same ones which I used when I started out in HO. They used a diamond-shaped mechanically operated uncoupling device, which forced apart the pins projecting from the knuckles. I was disappointed when they were discontinued, forcing me to switch to the magnematics, not only because of the cost but also because I think that they're better-looking.
I still use them on some of my maintenance-of-way equipment, such as this flatcar:
[Image: Foe-toesfromfirstcd094.jpg]

...and this crane's boom tender:
[Image: 2007-01-10112.jpg]

You beat me to it Wayne but thanks for the explanation about the couplers. I received several of them in a box of HO equipment from my uncle several years ago when he decided to switch to N scale. I've gradually been adding them to my rolling stock. It hadn't occurred to me that they look noticeably different but they work really well and have been very reliable. Thumbsup

Ralph Wrote:It hadn't occurred to me that they look noticeably different but they work really well and have been very reliable. Thumbsup


They look good to me! I just noticed the different trip pin and was wondering what they were.
Nice bit of conversion! Some LPC (Little Plastic Conductor) is going to be very happy to occupy that cabin.
Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Thanks guys! Here is the N8 on the layout crossing Ulster Ave.

[Image: IMG_1329.jpg]


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