A save way to stay away from my layout
A save way to stay away from my layout is the idea to need a new computer. Getting and setting up the computer was simple but it comes with Windows 7 preinstalled. My old/current system runs Windows XP.
That MS guys spend a lot of effort to add resource hungry gimmics everywhere and move everything around to maximize the search time.

I will be busy for days to have a system that works like the old one but is faster (the only reason to upgrade) Curse
You ever heard the old DOS joke...

Question: "How do you turn a 486 into a 286?"

Answer: "Install Windows on it."

Why do the computer companies have to add all that crap. Darn it, I want my computer lean, mean, and hungry.

And Mr. Bill Gates... Why change the entire look? Why move everything around? Stop screwing with everything!
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Good luck Reinhard! Hope it works!
Strange someone should mention this!! I was trying to set up my wife's new laptop, yesterday. It comes with Windows 7, naturally, and I found Windows 7 to be the absolute worse mess I have ever worked with!! It pretty much does what it wants to, when it wants to!! And I thought my current desktop with XP Pro was difficult to work with!! I think I'll just keep patching it up!!
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
Gary S Wrote:You ever heard the old DOS joke...
Question: "How do you turn a 486 into a 286?" Answer: "Install Windows on it."
Why do the computer companies have to add all that crap. Darn it, I want my computer lean, mean, and hungry.
And Mr. Bill Gates... Why change the entire look? Why move everything around? Stop screwing with everything!

Yes, Gary, I do remember that joke, and I still laughed at it ... because it's not that far from the truth! It's like the new one ...
"Question: How do you cap the well in the Gulf? Answer: "Put a wedding ring around it and in two weeks it will stop putting out." Pah-Dump Dumm! Nope

Yes, and just as lame, but it does bear some truth. Big Grin

As for "Change," on the one hand, Developers can never leave well enough alone and ... and on the other hand ...
How's that Hope and Change workin' out for YOU??! :?: :!: :mrgreen:

It seems that "change for the sake of change" has gained in popularity these days. I got so P.O.'d at the grocery store the other day that I wheeled a 1/3-full cart into the very young new Manager's office and complained to him that I'd been in the store for 55 minutes and could not find half of what I wanted on my short little list and I'm usually in and out in half an hour and it's all because every three months he sees fit to move everything around and discontinue brands to accomodate his rearrangement and I've put up with his foolish shenanigans for the last time ... for a change, he can go around the store with my cart and try figure out where to put back on the shelf all the stuff I wasn't going to buy because his obsession with change has driven a customer of 18 years to go shop somewhere else that's more stable ... and he needs to find a better way to justify his staff, who wouldn’t keep quitting if he didn’t have them playing musical produce every couple of weeks!
... and I walked out, leaving my cart in his office, and the short little list right on top! 790_smiley_picking_a_fight Wink

I'm not against change ... if it has a valid purpose, if it make an improvement in life, I'll embrace it. It was partially my reason for being in my career as a product designer. But Change for the sake of change, change to put your "mark" on it? PHUH! Curse Wallbang

I'm sorry ... I'll shut up and sit down now ... :oops:

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
After 24 hours....
at least this posting comes from the new system and runs already through the spell checker... The mail has been transferred twice (one copy got lost). Some other applications are up and running too. I should be able to update be homepage via FTP.
The essentials are running. I will keep both system in parallel for some weeks and see what I have missed.

At this time all my online books and music files are copied from an extern USB harddrive. The forecast is 6 hours... Railroad movies and pictures are copied already. Might be I have collected too much data?

I am still searching for basic function like hell. Those guys did hide everything I need at the most unusual places. The system was shut down this morning. It took me 20 minutes to find power management Curse

Great news... Pentax provides no Windows 7 driver for my older digital camera....That means I "could" update my homepage if I "could" get the pictures from the camera in the PC. Pentax is one of the very few camera that does not act like a standard USB storage device and needs a dedicated driver.
I guess it is time for a new digital camera too. That shifts some model railroad equipment further in the future.

Even more news... While the files are copied W7 decides to accept no inbound traffic over the peer network. Internet is ok but no shared data and my wife can not print... That is really critical and might escalate soon!
AT&T just recently "upgraded" the Email system.
Ayuh, they did.
System runs about eight times slower than before......including the "advertising time", which is eight times more a part of the system than it was before.

The "INTERNET" now looks more like Model Railroader, 1% content, 99% advertising. Nope Wallbang

No, I won't chuck it all, and move to a tarpaper shack in the deep woods of the Pacific Northwest..............until the first viagra/levitra/cialis ad, pops up in my "screen"....... Eek

One of the following must be true....
a. American males are in serious medical trouble..... Icon_twisted or,
b. American Pharmaceutical companies are in serious financial trouble..... Icon_twisted Icon_twisted
.................................or, maybeeeeee, b. caused a. Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Icon_lol
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
I bought a new computer last fall. It came with Vista and an offer of a free upgrade to Windows 7. I got the windows 7 software and asked online if it was advisable to switch to Windows 7. A bunch of people recommended that I make the switch, but two personal friends who are i.t.'s for their respective companies told me to hold off. They said there are too many bugs in Windows 7 that Microsoft hasn't fixed, yet. So far I haven't had nearly the problems that I was told I would have with Vista. I checked with one of my friends a month or so ago and he said they still haven't got a patch for the bugs in Windows 7. The other thing I worry about with Microsoft patches is when I had my XP "patched" on my old computer, it immediately quit loading my cd/dvd rom requiring me to spend $60.00 for an upgrade to the rom. I bought an external dvd/cd burner/player instead, but still had to deal with constant pop ups telling me to upgrade my old dvd/cd burner. If Microsoft was held to the same standards as the auto industry for product warranty, I think they would have been bankrupt years ago.
There is some light at the horizon.
The old system has been powered down for 24 hours and I did not need any applications or data so far. I will keep it ready for power on for some more days to copy things I have forgotten. Any how, shortly after disconnect I will need some thing on the old system very urgent... Murphys law!

The new digital camera arrived some hours ago. I choose a model (IXUS 300 HS) that does NOT require a special driver to work under windows. The camera is from point of view of the operating system a standard USB attached harddisk. The full automatic mode has been made for photo dummies like me 357

I have to care for my other hobby too. A new neoprene dive suit is required as I lost much weight. Furthermore a new jacket is necessary because some ill guy cut a hole with a knife in it in Egypt. I was lucky to detect it before I went under water. No repair with guarantee is possible.

New computer, camera, diving equipment.... may be I need a new bank account. The old one might be empty Curse

Hope to have some more time for model railroad soon!
There is a reason for rearranging the store. I was told by one manager that it is so you have to look around for your one item. In the process hopefully you will see something else to buy
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Lester Perry Wrote:There is a reason for rearranging the store. I was told by one manager that it is so you have to look around for your one item. In the process hopefully you will see something else to buy
Yes and to name walmat, they actually have a team of psychologists and engineers plan their layout so people would
See more to buy. Every other market follows, just look at every store that sells eggs/milk, they're always in the back

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
one option is to rollback to XP
This laptop (fujitsu)... well actually it's works, but `mine'
we deal with remote fuel/oil monitoring in the mines here in Oz
We found that too many dedicated, expensive and in some cases impossible to replace bits of gear plain just dont work under win7, even in emulation mode
Luckily the fujitsu actually comes with a `rollback' to xp option, so all of works new laptops are now `7less' and didnt cost us a cent (apart from my time in having to do it)

(personally I liked my old panasonic toughbook a lot better- it took a hiding and keeps on going, this new `executive' thing feels soooo flimsy)

and the worst thing is - they come in a `satin' slippery finish and dont come with a handle either- I nearly dropped this new one twice and Ive only had it 4 weeks....
poopsie chicken tush

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