A few pics of the opps session I ran the other night...




Anyone have any Idea which of these would be correct for the Inland Container deliveries of caustic soda??

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... s/1880.htm</a><!-- m -->

I am looking all over now and wondering where I got the info that Corn Starch and caustic soda are both used in the glue to make the boxes??
SSWUPinSA Wrote:... which of these would be correct...

In cases like yours I prefer cars owned by leasing companies like UTLX. They can be used very universal.
Thanks, yeah the UTLX ones would be the safest, still wondering what size tank car and if in fact caustic soda is delivered to Inland for the adhesive?

Decided to change the Distribution Warehouse on th West side to something like Trujillo & Sons... I may change this back to a warehouse as I don't want to have all my industries looking the same with silo's and box cars.... Will seee how it feels. Also did the first non-rail served industry on the front edge of the layout, this will be a concrete facility with readymix and prefabricated concrete products etc...need to find a nice prototype for that, coz at this stage it's all in my head!

Decided to add some colour, hate the white got to love the rattle cans!!!





THis is a nice small sized layout, it has a great feel to it and looks like it is really coming along. The mock ups of the buildings really add a since of place and are already telling a great stroy. Each of the buildings already has so much charecter it will really be neat to see them completed. Keep up the great work!!
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
SSWUPinSA Wrote:Decided to add some colour, hate the white got to love the rattle cans!!! ...

Color makes a big difference. You might get some simple gray paint and put it on the ground. You will be astound of that difference too.

ps. To "love" white shoe boxes is mandatory ... 357
SSWUPinSA Wrote:Thanks, yeah the UTLX ones would be the safest, still wondering what size tank car and if in fact caustic soda is delivered to Inland for the adhesive?
I'd say that any of those tanks that aren't lettered for a specific commodity or company and just carry reporting marks would be just fine and preferable. As Reinhard pointed out, they could serve multiple uses. If the car is stenciled that it contains a particular commodity, you can always paint that out. See that done on the real one's all the time. You might want to contact Jack Hill pertaining to the tank cars he says spot at his facility and get a better idea of the proper type car.
SSWUPinSA Wrote:Decided to change the Distribution Warehouse on the West side to something like Trujillo & Sons... I may change this back to a warehouse as I don't want to have all my industries looking the same with silo's and box cars.... Will seee how it feels. Also did the first non-rail served industry on the front edge of the layout, this will be a concrete facility with readymix and prefabricated concrete products etc...need to find a nice prototype for that, coz at this stage it's all in my head!
You certainly have captured the look of the Trujillo & Son facility! I personally love the way that structure is laid out and was the inspiration for my own food processing facility, as you well know. Not too far from that facility is Family & Son that also receives the same type cars as near as I can determine, but this structure just has that unique look to it. Even though you've just made a mock up of, it's great! I'd stay with it. No need to worry about other industries on the spur also having storage tanks/silos.

I'll look around some and see if I can find you some Google/Bing locations showing a concrete ready mix plant that might be inspiring. Be warned though, all the ones I've ever seen will have one or more silo's.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"

Here are a few photos that I put together of Kentucky Concrete batch plants in my area. Maybe some inspiration here someplace. Interesting to note, that many of these are located on the railroad, yet none of these facilities appear to be rail served these days.     I rather like the look of the Radcliff plant myself. Has that unique look. Here's a Bing view of the Radcliff plant:
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Thanks for those Ed... Looking at that space and scracthing my head at this stage, don't want to detract from the Industry across the tracks but I like the Radcliff one the best too!!

I have been thinking lately of track details.... things like track bumpers and rail ends, switch stands, signals and signs, electrical and control boxes etc that would be found on or next to the tracks in a modern era Industrial District... Please excuse the lack of knowing what the correct terms for each thing are....not based in the US does have it's

Maybe I can ask the guys who know to post photos of the correct prototype items and maybe a reference to where I can find them in HO for the layout... I want good detailed parts of a very high standard to complete the whole rail detail...

All help greatly appreciated

I am willing to scratch build the items if I can get a good prototype photo... 35
SSWUPinSA Wrote:I have been thinking lately of track details.... things like track bumpers and rail ends, switch stands, signals and signs, electrical and control boxes etc that would be found on or next to the tracks in a modern era Industrial District... Please excuse the lack of knowing what the correct terms for each thing are....not based in the US does have it's

Maybe I can ask the guys who know to post photos of the correct prototype items and maybe a reference to where I can find them in HO for the layout... I want good detailed parts of a very high standard to complete the whole rail detail...

All help greatly appreciated


Do a search on the Walther's web site for track bumpers, wheel stops, etc. Walther's has a set of plastic bumpers (12 per pack) in their Cornerstone series Part # 933-3511 that are plastic and appear to look pretty good. I have some of them, but haven't bothered to put one together yet to see how they look. Couple of other manufacturers also make very nice bumpers. I have some Tomar H-808 bumpers (all metal and require using insulated joints when attached to the track. Also use Tomar H-803 Hayes Wheel Stops and these are great looking.

Many industrial spurs will simply have wheel stops at the end of the track rather then bumpers and some may have nothing more than a couple of ties laid across the rails or a small pile of gravel at the end of the track. In some cases, there will be nothing at all with the track simply ending, buried in the dirt or if the track is in a roadway or concrete area, just end.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
SSWUPinSA Wrote:...
I have been thinking lately of track details.... things like track bumpers and rail ends, switch stands, signals and signs, electrical and control boxes etc that would be found on or next to the tracks in a modern era Industrial District......

In addition to the answer given in my thread I would like to poiut you to a book

"Trackwork and Lineside Details fopr your Model Railroad" from Model Railroader published by Kalmbach books. It covers your question starting at page 57. ISBN is 0-89024-571-1 (a more current suffix might be in the stores today)
Thanks guys, will keep looking for the right stuff....if anyone has images of the kind of stuff found please post them here or PM me with them...

I had my first ops session with some thanks to Ed for generating a switch list for me and it was awesome! No issues with the layout or track, only a Kato SD38-2 that kept needing to be idea why...and some really 'KAK" (local word for CR@P) couplers on some Walthers rolling stock that would not couple with the McHenry style ones on the Athearn... I have been looking at possibly replacing all my couplers... What would you suggest...KAdee no5 or 58's...want reliability and looks and yes I have a guage to set them up as I feel thats most inportant..
SSWUPinSA Wrote:I have been looking at possibly replacing all my couplers... What would you suggest...KAdee no5 or 58's...want reliability and looks and yes I have a guage to set them up as I feel thats most inportant..
If you're going to replace all your couplers and you want the best look in addition to reliable operation, I'd go with the Kadee No. 58 or 158 "Whisker" couplers. The whisker style have the centering spring as part of the coupler.

I use No. 5's myself, mainly because I already had so many cars equipped with them and for now, can't afford to replace everything with the slightly smaller "scale size" couplers. Nothing beats those Kadee metal couplers!

One other possible coupler you might want to look into are the Sergent Engineering scale size couplers They are all metal and look and function just like the real thing. Haven't tried them myself, but I've read that if you follow their assembly instructions, they function great. A few people have reported that they seem to take more force to couple, but my impression is that if they are properly lubricated and "worked" per their instructions, that isn't a problem.

A couple of the fellows on here are using them and really seem to like them.

By the way....

"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"

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