A Questioning Thought for the Day
God thing it wasn't "crab apple" or "skunk cabbage"!

Besides, if Kane didn't utter something, there wouldn't have been much of a movie. Got to have a McGuffin.
MountainMan Wrote:God thing it wasn't "crab apple" or "skunk cabbage"!

Besides, if Kane didn't utter something, there wouldn't have been much of a movie. Got to have a McGuffin.

If not a McGuffin, can I get a McMuffin?

And as to rosebud, it could be that Rosebud was a common name back then. Indeed, it was my own great-grandmother's name. Not to say that I am related to a hunk of wood or anything...

[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]
Can't make much of a movie with a McMuffin, but you're welcome to try!

Yeah...names were much different and more expressive back then. Now they name women after foreign hotels - "Paris Hilton" - or made-up names like Miffy, Buffy and Tiffy.

Every time I think of names like that, I think about Back To The Future III and everybody laughing at Michael Fox for a goofy name like "Clint Eastwood" .8-)
MountainMan Wrote:Can't make much of a movie with a McMuffin, but you're welcome to try!

Well... pffft.... now, I take that as a challenge!

How about the movie, "The McMufffin that Ate New York"? Highly acclaimed, but in that frantic year of 1968, also known as The Year That Changed Hollywood, it lost out to In The Heat Of The Night. But it was in good company with Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, The Graduate, Bonnie and Clyde and Doctor Dolittle. (Ok, Dr. Dolittle was really out of place, IMO, that year. The McMuffin That Ate New York was a much better all around flick.)


PS Shouldn't this post be moved to the Lower Berth... seeing as how we are low browing it here...?
PSS Ooops, didn't see that it already had been...
[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]
Mt. Man.
The accepted source I use for determining the approximate age of the world and the universe is...
Are you ready for this??? Hold on to your chair, now!! THE HOLY BIBLE!! Eek It clearly states that GOD (JESUS) created everything at once just by speaking it into existance. Now if that seems preposterous to you, it is no more so than some of the scientific "facts" that are not so factual. I'd rather pin my hopes on an eternal GOD, than some scientist who is already dead, or will be in a relatively short period of time.
However, I will always defend your right to believe as you wish. And I still think your a nice guy!
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
deckroid Wrote:PS Shouldn't this post be moved to the Lower Berth... seeing as how we are low browing it here...?
PSS Ooops, didn't see that it already had been...
I got'cha covered! Thumbsup
For 21 years, from 1961-1983, I defended the Constitution of The United States, against all enemies, both foreign, and domestic. I will continue to defend to the death, all the rights and protections afforded by that document. That said,
Quote:GOD (JESUS) created everything at once just by speaking it into existance. Now if that seems preposterous to you, it is no more so than some of the scientific "facts" that are not so factual.
(( "YOU" , in my comments below, is the "universal you", and not just the one who posted the above comment ))
You have the right to believe whatever you choose, but you should also have the responsibility, to not use that right to stir up controversy in a forum like this.
I ask you, who might be tempted to respond to this post, to exercise the aforementioned responsibility, and not continue this particular discussion. Let's keep things friendly, and try to keep religion, and politics out of it, as much as we possibly can. Thanks,
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

That was a wonderful preemptive strike. Thank you for saying that, because I saw this going to Hades in a wicker basket right quick.

There are 2 sides to every argument, or 3 if you think around the bend like I do, and some arguments are fun to have. Religion vs. Science is for another thread, if not another forum.

Awesome Moderating there Pete, I mean that.

On that note, New Day, New Question!

[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]
Sumpter250 Wrote:I ask you, who might be tempted to respond to this post, to exercise the aforementioned responsibility, and not continue this particular discussion.

Already did.... although it hurt something fierce! 35
Thank you Pete and everyone else. It is, of course, beyond the scope of our little hobby forum to resolve such large issues as conflicts between faith and science. Strong feelings will be had on either side and everywhere in between. While the description of the Lower Berth forum says "talk about anything here" I'd like to reiterate Pete's call for self-moderation with some topics that will inherently create discord. Thank you in advance for your respect for each other.

sgtcarl1 Wrote:Mt. Man.
The accepted source I use for determining the approximate age of the world and the universe is...
Are you ready for this??? Hold on to your chair, now!! THE HOLY BIBLE!! Eek It clearly states that GOD (JESUS) created everything at once just by speaking it into existance. Now if that seems preposterous to you, it is no more so than some of the scientific "facts" that are not so factual. I'd rather pin my hopes on an eternal GOD, than some scientist who is already dead, or will be in a relatively short period of time.
However, I will always defend your right to believe as you wish. And I still think your a nice guy!

IIRC, it is against forum rules to discuss religion.
MountainMan Wrote:IIRC, it is against forum rules to discuss religion.

I think Pete and I covered that question pretty clearly. There is no "No talking about religion" rule but we ask members to be thoughtful about the impact posting about hot button topics might have. We share a love of trains but otherwise may hold very dear and different opinions about religion, politics, and social issues. There are plenty of forums and other outlets for voicing your opinion about controversial topics so why make one of them a contested issue here and disrupt the community we have? We haven't edited or closed the thread because so far people are being respectful of each other. I appreciate that.
Let's keep it that way, please.

Thanks! Thumbsup
PS. Personally I'm still not sure if my car lights would work if I were driving at the speed of light!
So where were we? Oh, yeah...Deckroid was discussing "The McMuffin That Ate New York." Sorry, Deckroid, buit that classic seems to be missing from my library. The closest match I can find is "The Biscuit That Bombed Boston", but the label is smudged -maybe it's "The Biscuit That Bombed In Boston. 357
Its the Attack..of the killer tomatos!

Classic "B" movie.

Oh...Look...It just ate Timmy!
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Quote:"The Biscuit That Bombed Boston", but the label is smudged -maybe it's "The Biscuit That Bombed In Boston.
It was most probably the latter.....I don't think Homeland Security has identified a "terrorist biscuit" organization.......yet. Eek
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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