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I want to give hand laying turnouts a try and was wondering where I could find templates for them. Also are PC board ties available or do I have to cut them my self? I have never tried this before so I'm new at it.
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You can get them from a variety of places, or make your own. (templates)
Here's Fast track's templates: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Similarly Fast Tracks and Clover House offer PC ties: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... c-7_38.php</a><!-- m -->
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My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
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e-paw Wrote:I have a related question to this thread. I want to give hand laying turnouts a try and was wondering where I could find templates for them. Also are PC board ties available or do I have to cut them my self? I have never tried this before so I'm new at it.
I haven't used a commercial jig, but I did download paper diagrams from the fast tracks site. I used instructions from Stephen Hatch as a guide: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
I make my own PC ties - I bought a piece of copper clad PC board from my local electronics supply, and cut it into ties using a mini table saw I bought at harbor freight for about 40 bucks. It came with a diamond blade and works pretty well for cutting the ties.
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nkp_174 Wrote:You can get them from a variety of places, or make your own. (templates)
Here's Fast track's templates: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Similarly Fast Tracks and Clover House offer PC ties: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... c-7_38.php</a><!-- m -->
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I tried the Fasttrack link and it was "404 - out-of-date," :o so here is the home page for Fasttrack ... they have lots of cool tools and rail and ties and ... If it's for laying track and they don't have it, you probably don't really need it!
Lehigh Susquehanna & Western
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Hi biL,
Thanks for the update!