De furring
Im ready to strangle 2 cats..... Nah but ready to do something other than that. Any ideas from you guys on how or what to use to keep em off the layout?? Big Grin
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Bear traps?

Laser guided Gattling Guns with optional grenade launcher attachment?

Higher voltage on the rails! Icon_lol
Ron Wm. Hurlbut
Toronto, Ontario, Dominion of Canada
Ontario Narrow Gauge Show
Humber Valley & Simcoe Railway Blog
I keep the door to the layout room closed.
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A friend of mine had the "cat on layout problem". One evening we were working on his layout, and heard a dull thud, as a brass B&O 2-8-0 hit the concrete floor, compliments of the "gracefulness" of the cat.
The cat experienced a high speed impact with the basement wall.
I decided, at that moment, that as long as I had any interest in model railroading, I would never have a cat.

"I keep the door to the layout room closed."


It's either that, or find a new home for the cat.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Sumpter250 Wrote:A friend of mine had the "cat on layout problem". One evening we were working on his layout, and heard a dull thud, as a brass B&O 2-8-0 hit the concrete floor, compliments of the "gracefulness" of the cat.
The cat experienced a high speed impact with the basement wall.
I decided, at that moment, that as long as I had any interest in model railroading, I would never have a cat.

"I keep the door to the layout room closed."


It's either that, or find a new home for the cat.

My cat is too fat to jump on the layout. Icon_lol Seriously though, I probably caused more destruction myself as a child. Comparatively speaking, I spend much less time cleaning up after my cat than my sister does after her kids.
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3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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Get a dog - he will discourage the cat from entering the room, and won't get on the layout himself.

Option # 2: Ketamine dart gun. (I LIKE this one!) Big Grin
fine grind pepper like paprica or white pepper and mouse traps work and a added plus on the white pepper it is a good weathering powder, traps wont catch cat but the snap will keep them away.
shock collars... Eek
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
I don't own a cat.
No cat..No problem.

But keeping the door closed would be the easiest way to keep him of the layout.As long as you don't shut the cat in the room.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Close the door.
Seems like your cat has the need to roam around and climb, you ever try buying something for your cat to play on and climb? Like a multi level Cat Tree, they do wonders...

[Image: cat_tree_topper_m.jpg]

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
My daughter use a squirt bottle of water when she taught her cats not to climb or scratch on the furniture and to use her words just before squeezing the bottle trigger- "NO" ...10 years later and these cats still don't climb on or scratch the furniture

Its humane and they learn right away between right and wrong.

I perfer dogs so I don't have a cat slinking around climbing on things. 357

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
e-paw Wrote:shock collars... Eek
Many years ago, I had a couple larger dogs. They used to jump up in the kitchen and put their front paws up on the edge of the counter so they could get at anything we had carelessly forgotten about. Well one day, my wife had just made a fresh chocolate cake, covered it and pushed it to the back of the counter. We then left the house for a little while on some errands. Upon our return, there was one very clean cake pan on the floor and little chocolate footprints everywhere.
I went out to the garage and got my fence charger. I then laid two strips of aluminum foil out. One along the top edge of the kitchen counter and one on the floor against the counter. I hooked them up to the fence charger with alligator clips, wet the foil down with a fine mist, plugged the charger in and left something tempting up on the counter and left the room. Within a couple minutes, there were a couple surprised yelps and we never had that problem again. Perhaps you could do something similar up on your layout to deter the kittys.
Cat training by Smith and Wesson.... 8-)

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