The Chair
I test fitted my chair today. It's a folding, portable massage chair rented from the Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy, which is where my eye surgeon sent me to get it. It seems that after my left eye surgery I will be required to remain sitting face down for up to two weeks, until the air bubble inside my eye resolves and the repairs heal correctly. I may have to sleep in the @#$%&*! thing, too, but he isn't certain of that at this point. Joy never ending... Icon_lol

Well, at least it's comfortable for the first thirty minutes or so. :?

See you guys in two weeks or so! Thumbsup
That sounds like hell Nope My best wishes to you and hopes that the two weeks goes quickly, and the results are worth it!
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Good Lord...!!! 2 weeks sleeping sitting & face down..?? I could do the sleeping part, but not face down... Nope

Good luck to ya'...We'll be pullin' for you to make a quick & complete recovery... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
I hope the time passes quickly!
Geez! Sounds like the only thing missing is the Warden standing by, ready to throw a big knife switch. Eek 357

I hope that you don't have to spend too much time using it before the problem is resolved.

Holy cow! I hope the time goes quickly. You need about 10,000 back issues of all the train magaiznes! Push the massage table over a coffee table, set the magazines on that, and read to your hearts content! I am assuming your vision is good enough to read....

Get well soon! Thumbsup
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
I guess you can try what they use to do with MRI/cat patients and hook up some mirrors to watch shows Goldth

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
Geze MM - take care and I also hope it heals fast for ya!! Wow!!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
MM, Hoping for the BEST for your procedure and recovery, and that you will be "seeing" us - clearly - in a couple of weeks. Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."
Eek Confusedhock: Eek
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
I has surgery for a detached retina and an air bubble was used in the eye to keep things where they wanted them. I only had to be careful for two days though! What was weird as the bubble broke up, I happened to watch an episode of Outer Limits. Remember in the beginning they went thru the we control your tv, don't try to adjust blah blah blah? Well, I was watching this and it was like I was an insect, the way your read about their vision. I saw many multiples of the image, like a kaleidescope. I hope you can stay comfortable and that your eye surgery succeeds. And I hope you get a few hours of kaleidescope vision too, it is cool!
Aaahhh...The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone.....Pee in your pants with fear..... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).
Gary S Wrote:Holy cow! I hope the time goes quickly. You need about 10,000 back issues of all the train magaiznes! Push the massage table over a coffee table, set the magazines on that, and read to your hearts content! I am assuming your vision is good enough to read....

Get well soon! Thumbsup

It did not. I forgot to mention that no reading or TV was allowed. Nope

Nearly went out of my mind...

Out of it now and allowed to "take things slowly"...thousands of dollars for this guy and he can't speak in specifics. Icon_lol

Anyway, so far so good and the bubble that remains is pretty small. Probably gone entirely within the next 48 - 72 hours, after which I can also travel freely. Still restricted to less than 1000 feet change in altitude either way.
I applaud you for just keeping a good attitude about all this despite the restrictive healing process. But hey, if you need to vent, you go right ahead, 'cuz you certainly deserve to and there's plenty of us here to help you get through this with some empathy, comedy, and support.


Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
With no television, not being able to read, or go anywhere, and all that time to think and reflect - you may be well on your way to becoming a monk. Misngth
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