"End of the Line" at Cimarron, NM - a HOn3 Shelf Switcher
Ben King's layout was much smaller than you'd ever suspect - one article they did had a complete overview that showed it, but most often they only featured his incredible realistic details and photos. And the next most amazing thing - Mr. King built the CAMERAS he used as well as the layout! There was at least one article in MR which showed how to construct a moving lense camera - tilt/shift is what they call it now but I don't recall that term used in the article. Another of his articles showed how to make a small precision drill press, which he used in his scratchbuilding. I can't imagine MR running articles like those these days.

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

Visit my web site to see layout progress and other information:
Sounds like an inspiring article - I will try to get my hand at it!
I have increased my virtual roster of D&RGW narrow gauge locos. This is were it stands now:

[Image: LOKIII-2.jpg]


[Image: LOKIV-3.jpg]

Blackstone will be releasing their C-19 coming spring, but I am afraid I will not be able to cash out those $ 300 plus to buy one Sad . So it will remain on my "Me Wants" list.
The management of the line has decided to add another loco to its virtual roster:

[Image: LOKV-2.jpg]

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