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hi all
well its Monday again , beginning to think some of the week days are missing Monday seems to roll around way too soon , these days feel like a dog chasing its own tail cant seem to get anything done as the cold makes my joints hurt.
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Good morning everyone, "rise and shine", they say. I did rise, not sure about the shine though.  Just about to the end of my annual "creeping crud" as I call it. Go see a doctor and they always say, "yeah, it's going around and you caught it". So I just skip that step and wait it out, just like last year and the years before....
The weather lady in TV says that it's been over 100 days since there's been any rain here. Well, there was back then, just over on the east side of town. Our monsoon season turned into a buffoon season. We will need a good 5" of rain this month to even get to normal, and that's more than we've had so far all year.
Going to try to hit Walmart this morning, I'm assuming they still have their Tuesday old folk hour. From what I hear, it's not that crowded. I guess not, it seems like everyone was at the Post Office yesterday. Two huge lines, one for self-serve, the other for counter help. Everyone in line had at least one box, and no, with that many people, it was impossible to maintain social distancing, otherwise the line would have been out the door and down the street.
Just a heads-up, this thread is approaching 4000 posts, we usually start a new one after around 3000, but we got a bit lazy. So when it hits 4000, I'll start a new one. This is #8, and I'm guessing that there's been over 25,000 Hobo Camp Fire posts since we start this.
Don (ezdays) Day
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Thank heavens it's December, gang.
Only 31 days and we can see 2020 in the rear view mirror and not a moment too soon!
Downright chilly this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 9 degrees at the moment headed for the upper 30s and sunny this afternoon.
One down and two to go!
Got all my errands run yesterday. This morning I'll head for the gym and this afternoon will start on the second toybox.
All stay safe.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains
Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Dinosaur Rider
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Good morning folks
It is a chilly 42 heading up to 51. Boy did we have some rain yesterday. More on that later.
Haven’t made it here the past few mornings. I have been busy most of the days and have not gotten in front of the computer until well after dinner. Saturday, I put up all the outdoor lights and decorations. Sunday, I slept late. It was a painkiller kind of day. We didn’t do much. We planned on putting up the tree, but I just could not find the strength to do so. We did move the furniture around to make room for the tree. Sunday night was a rough one. I did not get much sleep as I could not find a comfortable position to lay in due to the aches and pains from Saturday.
Yesterday I had to take the car to the dealer for the annual state safety inspection and emissions inspection. Heading to the dealer I caught in one the nasty squalls. I could barely see the road and the wipers could not keep up with the rain. The whole time I was at the dealer there was little to no rain. Once I left the dealer that changed quickly as I found myself in another downpour. I had to stop at a PetSmart on the way home. I got soaked despite having a rain jacket on the way from the store to the car. Again, I was driving in a heavy steady rain and down the roads were starting flood. I stopped at the grocery store and had to run/swim from the car to store. Mercifully the weather broke when I left the store. I got home and thankfully my daughter and her boyfriend brought the groceries and pet stuff in from the car and put it away. I got out of my soaked clothes and parked myself in front of the fireplace and tried to recover for the rest of the evening.
No modeling got done this weekend. I am beginning to wonder if I ever will weather those hoppers.
Today we are putting up the tree. I already pulled the bins out of the storage part of the attic and will soon begin bringing them down.
I hope everybody has a good day.
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Hello Blue
Cloudy and 28 with about one inch of snow out there.
Not much going on as we are staying home except when we need to go somewhere.
I learned on Thanksgiving morning that my deceased sister's oldest daughter passed away from lung cancer, yes she did smoke. 56 years old.
The pissy part is I learned about it on Facebook, neither of her two sisters called me.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
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Good morning all, very chilly here yesterday, today will stay in the high 60's. Usually when it's this cold down here, it's snowing up north. Don't know for sure, I don't watch the news much anymore, that includes the weather reports.
Decided to insulate the garage door, something I wanted to do for a while, just couldn't devote the time. Was going to stop at Home Depot early, but there wasn't a decent parking spot, I noticed that a bunch of the choice spots were reserved for order pickup, so I went home and placed my order on their web site. A hour or so later, get an email saying it was ready, parked in one of those reserved spots, someone got my order and put it in the truck bed and I was gone without having to lift a finger. I've got to try that at Walmart, just that when I go there, I usually find things that I didn't know I needed.
Have a great day, and just know that if it's raining where you are, I envy you. If it's snowing, I can do without that.
Don (ezdays) Day
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Greeting, gang.
Clear and 17 outside my window in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. The high for today is supposed to be 43 which will top yesterday's high of 41. The weather is predicted to remain clear, dry and "seasonable" for at least the next week.
Had a routine day yesterday. Swam and walked at the gym and worked on the toyboxes yesterday afternoon. Using the marker seems to be going will with a minor exception. If I try to color a section a second time and then apply the varnish it causes the color to smear. Had to wash off and re-varnish a couple of sections before I figured that out. Also tried waiting for a while before applying the varnish with the result. Need to varnish the inside of the second toybox today. Also on the list will be a trip to the gym and as long a I'm downtown I'll stop by the credit union for some cash and their calendar.
All stay safe.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains
Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Dinosaur Rider
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Good morning folks
Could it be are finally getting normal temperatures for this time of year? It is 36 heading up to 43.
Don, we have been using the online ordering and pickup since the pandemic-imposed restrictions began. I truly love it. I do not have to spend a lot of time in the stores and if I use the curbside pick up no time. Some stores such as PetSmart offer a discount if you shop online and pick up. One nice thing is I don’t waste time running from store to store to see if they have something I want or need.
The tree is up and decorated. Now starts the rest of the house. I will be in and out of the attic for a good portion of the day. I have to run out and get a few things I forgot yesterday and Monday. No modeling again last night. One can only hope for today.
I hope everybody has a good day.
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12-02-2020, 09:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-02-2020, 09:11 AM by Chief Eagles.)
Finally went below freezing but not that low that long. Strange. Dec. and not freezing at night. 41 now and not as bad a wind chill as yesterday. Had to really bundle up. Was hoarse last night from the cold wind. Blew the leaves and then sucked them up with mower. Looks nice and clean now [for now]. 99% pecan leaves down. Willow oak in front still got leaves. Will till Jan.
Finish outside decorating and run peppers [picked off yesterday before freeze] to Raleigh to my Human Services buddy. She and two of her friends love hot peppers.
Tom, great job on toy chest.
Have a great day and stay well.
TCA 05-58541 American Legion NRA Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
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Good evening blue
I've not done anything for 2 days, I just have not been feeling very well. Nothing like covid 19 but a slight upset stomach.
Our grand daughter called and said she had a dog we could have. They got 2 border collies last Valentines day and they are not getting along.
To make a long story short we now own a 1 year old Border Collie. He is a partner for our girl Bonnie so I named him Clyde.
I sent the defective booster back Friday and the tracking shows they got it Monday. I hope they don't take forever to fix it and that they do in fact fix it.
We had our first significant snow fall but it is not going to hang around for long.
I heard from my friend Todd and he has the virus and says it hit him like a double barrel shotgun blast full in the face. He is at home but has seen a doctor.
He is also a member here (CSIGUY1970). Ex LEO and current track maintainer at the Union RR.
Looking for a warmer tomorrow. Cheers to all
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Greetings, gang.
Dark and 24 headed for sunny and the low 40s.
Almost finished with the second toybox. Need to attach the lid. I ran out of varnish yesterday and went to Menards to get more. Got home and realized I grabbed exterior rather than interior. Went back and exchanged it, getting the last can of interior. Today I'll put that toybox together and start on the last one. Also need to got to Menards (again!) for screws to attach the soft close hinges.
I woke up at 4 this morning and could not go back to sleep so there may be a nap in my future. May skip the gym. it's a swimming day and it would be awkward falling asleep in the pool.
Charlie - nice looking dog. Excellent choice of name.
All stay safe.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains
Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Dinosaur Rider
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Good morning everyone, chilly day in store, mid to high 60's for the next few days. It's not the temps as much as the wind. Forecasts do show rain next week as early as Wednesday, maybe Thursday, maybe sometime next year.
Yeah Charlie, nice dog, neat names.
Got the garage door insulated, big difference, no rattles as it goes up and down. It should make it a bit warmer now, but come summer, that's when it'll really be nice. Home Depot sells garage door insulating kits for around $70 ea, I'd need two for a double door and I'd have to cut each panel down to size anyway. Instead, I bought three sheets of 1 1/2" insulation with the same R value for $50. I had fewer cuts and saved $90. I used the table saw and it looked like it snowed inside by the time I finished.
Hope you all have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
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Great looking dog. They are great pets. Make sure it has some run time. They love that.
Finally got a freeze and frost. About time. 25 and now 42.
Off to the hunt down east.
Pondering the sale of 31 acres of timber. Good price but not the best. Waiting for call from CPA. She may be the game changer. Don't have to sell. Will really not mess up my hunting as plenty more woods to hunt. It is the oldest timber. 40+ years old.
Hope all are well and stay safe.
TCA 05-58541 American Legion NRA Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
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Good morning folks
It is 39 heading up to 49.
Started getting the bins with the Christmas decorations for the rest of the house down from the attic. I still have a couple of odds and ends to bring down. The decorating supervisor needs to go through the bins and direct the correct placement of the decorations.
I did not get to weather the hoppers. The hoppers may be on hold for a bit. Five Con-Cor Tropicana reefer kits arrived yesterday. I have an Athearn Special edition set of two Tropicana reefers sitting in the pile also. I am thinking about building and weathering these reefers instead of the hoppers. I have always wanted to run the Tropicana Orange Juice Train on the layout.
I have some running for this afternoon. I have to go to Kohl’s and grab the wife’s online order. While I am there, I plan to drop off an Amazon return.
I hope everybody has a good day.