Finally, some updates at Dunnville...
Hi David,

I built the structure to fit the space that I had available.  My version of National Grocers was based on the one in Hamilton, even though I've never seen it.  However, friends of my parents owned a hotel in Caledonia, and often went there for wholesale food and beverage supplies.
When they sold that hotel and bought another one in Hamilton, they also relocated to Hamilton, just a few houses down the street from us, so my mother often went along with them to pick-up some grocery supplies, also at wholesale prices.

Like much of the stuff on my layout, things such as place names and locations, along with industries, and rivers, and even some of the LPBs, are named for things from my childhood and teenage years, and later from my time at Stelco. 
My username here originated at Stelco, dubbed-so by a fellow employee, as did the Hoffentoth Bros. of the coal and ice dynasty that's modelled in most of my on-layout towns.

I wasn't even aware that there was more than one National Grocers, but I guess "National" might have been a clue, now that I think about it. Icon_redface

Hamilton, not the current-day one, but that of my youth and before that, has been a big influence on my choice of both industries and of the road names that appear on my rolling stock, as pretty well any of them could have been seen in the city in that time frame.  I often smile when someone asks what freight cars might be seen on their layout set in City X or Y, because I can choose just about any road I want....I must admit that's a benefit of freelancing, I guess, but I've based it on the reality that I knew.

A quick search shows that there's a National Grocers Cash & Carry
at 5772 Main Street, Niagara Falls, and two in Hamilton, one on Gage Ave. South (I'm guessing it's the building just north of Kinnear Yard...and not too far from where the real Mercury Mills was located.  The other one is on Nash Road North, and there's at least one more in Brantford.

Maybe I'll take a spin down to the Falls and have a look.


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RE: Finally, some updates at Dunnville... - by doctorwayne - 08-05-2020, 11:23 PM

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