Interaction Hobbies CPR Portable station
I've almost completed the station in the past week, starting with the interior:


I painted and added the 3-d printed stove, typewriter and telegraph equipment. The telegraph parts were very fragile and I broke them a bit but it's not very noticeable. I also installed the furniture and bed in the bedroom. The mattress for the bed comes as a laser-cut wood part. I made the blanket using some double-ply tissue and glued it to the mattress. I then painting it with an off-white  and airbrushed the stripes to make it into a Hudson's Bay Blanket. (What could be more Canadian than that?)


I then used some photo-reduced copies of magazines and papers to populate the waiting room and office space. I'll probably add some figures in later.


I also finished off the roof. I sheeted the top and added the fascia boards to the ends


Then I added the shingles. I used Scotch double-sided tape to stick them down. 


It takes a bit of finesse to get the shingles around the chimney, but they look pretty good when completed. I used some weathering powder around the chimney. 


And then I installed the roof. The roof is designed to be removable so it's a friction fit with the rafters fitting into the slots on the top of the walls. I did have to trim some of the slots to get a proper fit but it went together fairly easy. It was at this time that the instructions tell you to add the kit's LED lighting but I have a different plan so I'll do that later when some parts show up.


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RE: Interaction Hobbies CPR Portable station - by cnrglen - 01-31-2021, 12:37 PM

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