Interaction Hobbies Firefly Houseboat
Thanks everyone

jim. Why don't you send me a list (PM) of what you have and the shipping? It might still be worth it.

I made some good progress on the houseboat .


I finished off the interior, adding the kitchen cabinents, table and island.


I'm not adding any figures or extra details to the interior as my friend will be displaying it on his free-mo module without interior lighting (the kit has instructions if you wish to add lighting)


I also finished up the two side walls. There's several layers to each wall to achieve the desired 3-d effect. Theres the inner and outer main walls, then the window frames and finally the window glass inself, all laser cut.


fliping the walls over, there is a long trim piece above the windows and the rub-rail along the top of the aluminum hull. I'm just waiting for my window adheisive to dry and then I can attach the walls to the floor/interior assembly.

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RE: Interaction Hobbies Firefly Houseboat - by cnrglen - 12-02-2023, 11:23 AM

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