Vanishing of my photos

yesterday i found bad news of my picture hoster:

⚠️ Abload geht offline.
Wir haben leider traurige Nachrichten zu verkünden: und alle hochgeladenen Bilder und Verlinkungen gehen zum Ablauf des 30.06.2024 offline.
Weitere Informationen findet ihr bei Bedarf auf der Startseite von

In case of discrepancies between the German text and the English text, the German text shall prevail.

Dear Abloaders,

We regret to inform you of some sad news. After four indescribably intense months during which we racked our brains and explored every conceivable alternative for our possible future, the decision has been made: Abload, along with all uploaded images and links, will go offline at the end of June 30, 2024. It pains us deeply, but we are certain that there is no other viable option. Please understand why we took so long with our considerations and calculations and why we have not been able to provide meaningful updates since our last blog entries on this matter. We wanted and needed to ensure that nothing was overlooked and that we were making the right decision.

For those interested in the background, you'll find it in the text that follows. To all those reading just these first few paragraphs, we would like to say: Thanks that you have been part of this wonderful solidarity project, which for 17 (nearly 18) years has enabled everyone to share their images on the internet for free. A special thanks to all users who have supported Abload with their voluntary contributions or continue to do so to this day. You are truly heroes. The donations from the past weeks have been used, among other things, to provide you with the option to download your uploaded images if needed. More information on this can be found after logging in under the menu item “Bilder sichern”.

We would be (very) grateful if you do not yet discontinue your support, as this feature and the work over the past few months have incurred incredibly high costs for us (in addition to those that we always incur). We will be making the final direct debit withdrawals around June 20, 2024 either way, without requiring an active cancellation from you. However, if anyone wishes to cancel their direct debit donations already before this, we kindly ask you to send us a brief note via our contact form (instead of revoking the direct debits through the bank, as this would incur high fees for us). Anyone who would like to thank us again for the past years or the download option can do so with an additional donation via PayPal or bank transfer. You can find more information on our donation page.

Finally, we ask you to keep an eye on our blog in the coming weeks if needed. If we have any important information for you, we will publish it there. Please especially check this entry if you come across any technical errors or issues in the coming weeks – as we will post everything that is already known to us and does not need to be reported again right there. Also, please check this entry first if you have any questions, even after reading the following text – as it contains the most frequently asked questions and our answers to them. Thank you!

P.S.: Those looking for an alternative for uploading images might consider checking out the advertisement from Directupload ( at the end of this text.

There are essentially three reasons for the shutdown of the service. The first reason has been discussed on our blog for twelve years: While operating costs have continually increased, revenues have steadily declined: User-friendly advertisements have long since stopped paying off; and the number of donors has been decreasing for a long time as well, as more and more people opt for personal clouds, for example. The second reason is that our obligations have become increasingly comprehensive, especially due to continually new legal requirements. We have reached a point here where it would definitively become too much for a comparatively tiny project like ours if we did not pull the plug. Just the costs of legal consultations in this regard, which are becoming ever more complex and extensive, are proving to be prohibitive already. The third reason is related to the first two but also stands on its own: We have always been a small team, working almost on a voluntary basis, and our private life situations have changed significantly (especially in recent years). The "good old school and university days," when Abload went online and had its heyday, are long gone. By now, we naturally have completely different tasks – and these simply do not leave enough capacity for the continued operation of this project.

Some users have asked us why we don't simply make the service paid to save it. The short answer is that doing so would not address the challenges of increasing obligations and our personal situations, especially since, after many reviews in the past weeks, we do not believe there would be sufficient interest in a paid version. Also, we have been asked why we do not hand Abload over to someone else. This is mainly because we do not want someone else to continue the service in a way that would not be compatible with Abload's user-oriented philosophy, which we have always lived by. No matter how one might agree on paper in the event of a handover, someone else would have control; including over your images and links. And to us, the risk of a wrong development seems simply too great. Therefore, we have opted for "an end with dignity" – and hereby announce it well in advance, so everyone can prepare. We understand that this is only a small consolation. We know how accustomed one can become to services like Abload. But one should never forget that we have always been a free offer, run by a handful of people in their spare time. We really would have liked to continue, but times have simply changed a lot. We hope that you place your trust in us at this point, just as you have been able to over the past nearly 18 years – and that we and Abload remain in your positive memory.

Thank you to everyone "out there". We sincerely wish you all the best!"

On behalf of all current and former team members,

At least for this forum Big Blue it means, that nearly all of my photos embedded in threads and postings will disappear after June 30, 2024.
For me, my photos are not lost as i have several copies on hard disks and memory chips. From this sources it is possible to reload photos and restore postings by editing the postings.
Unfortunately editing older postings is not possible in Big Blue.

I am sorry to tell you that.
Lutz, this is terrible. This is the main reason that I use this forums method for photos. The pictures I post are on Big Blues server. Blue has lost a lot of irreplicable pictures from some of our departed members and changes to policies of some of the on line storage companies. It takes a few seconds longer to use Blue's upload procedure but the photos will be here as long as Blue is, and even after if the site is crawled by the internet archives. 

As for editing your previous posts Don or Mickey can turn that feature on for you if you are willing to do it. Your work and photos are very important to many people that don't even join because it will show on a google search. I had to go back through my pages and redo my photos lost in the crash about 7 years ago (which won't happen again because backups are in place) 


This is not the first time this has happened, many lost all their links when Photobucket decided to change policy. I had restored some posts with a lot of photos for folks but it took an extraordinary amount of time to do so. I've also allowed some to be able to restore their own post photos when their links become inactive. Still a lot of work for a photo intensive thread, but let me know if you are willing to do so and we can arrange something for you. Allowing you to edit an old post is can be done, but not without its ramifications.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

i am generally willing to restore my threads. But because of the sheer mass it is unrealistic to restore all of my postings.
In some forums there are only a limited number of photos allowed because of the dangers of storage space. This was the main reason i hosted my photos on a external provider. Abload was until now a safe haven. But was killed by the main reasons which i call German Angst Laws and Überbürokratie (app. Overkill-Bureaucratics).
Yesterday i tortured over 2 hours long my desk top computer by downloading 9802 photos from the Abload server to a hard disk to have another safety copy.
For this my questions:
- Are there limits for the number of photos on Big Blues server?
- Allowed size of Photos?

And i think i will start to restore the photos on my newest threads at first. Because i will not be able to restore all my threads, i think from the older threads and postings the essential (in my opinion) ones should be done preferred. Write me if i should restore another thread too.

We have not been told that there is a limit to our storage, but then again, we've not been told we have a limited bandwidth yet we've been warned a few time that we've been going past some arbitrary limits. Uploading even a few hundred photos will take a long time. You cannot edit a post after 24 hours, only mods and admins have the ability to edit a post at any time. So I would have to move your thread and grant you permission to edit threads where I put them. You then would have to delete your links, upload the photos and imbed them back into the post one at a time. Once you were done, I'd move the thread back to where it came from and then you'd work on the next one. I'm not sure how long it would take, but I remember doing it for someone many years ago on our old forum and I decided I didn't want to do that again.

I have to ask first, do you intend to store your photo on a different storage site? If you do, the process may be just a bit easier, especially if you have to resize all your photos before you upload them here. We have a size limit of 500 Mb, but I normally try to keep mine under 200, especially if there are a lot of photos in that thread. The max photo size should be not more than 800 x 600 pixels, frequently I'll size mine at 640 x 480. If they're too big and there are too many in a thread, it can "paint" the image as it loads. If you link them it doesn't matter what size and how big a photo is, the forum will resize them to fit.

It is a quandary for you, you can PM me and let me know what you want to do.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Oh, one other suggestion which could be the easiest of all, start a new thread identical to your old one, you would still have to resize you photos if you upload them, or link them if they are parked in a different storage site, but at least there's no reconfiguring your old thread. I could possibly move all the comments to the new thread, then delete the old one, just that there is no guarantee that will happen in all cases and the ones I can move will all show up in the beginning of the thread. Regardless of what you do, it'll take a lot of time.

This is not new, especially when Photobuckets went from free to paid and wouldn't allow free members to link to their photos. I had a few photos there that I linked back then, and they shut me down for that. Having a paid storage site go down like that is almost criminal. Sell it or give it away, don't just pull the plug.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

that seems to me the less laborious way. I think copy and paste the text into a new thread and integrate the photos.

But it seems i need an external picture hoster to show photos here. Or is there a way to upload pictures from my hard disk direct to the forum? Some forums offer this in a easy manner.

(04-25-2024, 06:06 AM)Schraddel Wrote: Don,

that seems to me the less laborious way. I think copy and paste the text into a new thread and integrate the photos.

But it seems i need an external picture hoster to show photos here. Or is there a way to upload pictures from my hard disk direct to the forum? Some forums offer this in a easy manner.
It is easy, when you're writing a new post, just scroll down to: "click or drop some files here to upload...". When you click, you can then select a bunch of photos from you computer to upload all at once (there is a limit of 15), then you can paste them where you want into your post. Be aware though that they have to be below the maximum size and pixel count or they will be rejected.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and


Got it. This photo is saved from Abload and out of a safety copy on my hard disk. Abload has a picture editing function which i had used to reduce the size to 800x600 pixel. So this was done with this photo.
But the most original pictures on my hard disk have more pixels. Has the forum software a function to reduce the picture size?

(04-26-2024, 01:08 PM)Schraddel Wrote: Don,
Got it. This photo is saved from Abload and out of a safety copy on my hard disk. Abload has a picture editing function which i had used to reduce the size to 800x600 pixel. So this was done with this photo.

But the most original pictures on my hard disk have more pixels. Has the forum software a function to reduce the picture size?
No, it will tell you that it's too big and you will have to reduce it. There are many free photo editing programs (or apps), that you can use to reduce the physical size and the pixel count. GIMP I understand is popular and easy to use.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
     I use this little program. Once installed you can select any number of pictures in a folder, right click, and the resize option appears in the right click menu. You can elect to keep the original and the new one will be identified as custom. Sometimes I will copy a hole folder of pictures to a new folder and resize the ones in the folder, then when I am done with the small version I can delete the folder.

As test, a resized photo. 800x600 seem to be o.k.

Thanks Charlie!

Yup that worked fine. I have a photo editing program that I mostly use to resize a photo. Occasionally I will  use some of it's other features to lighten a darker photo. The program is probably 25 years old, but it's still more than I need.

That photo looks good and at a low resolution.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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