Northwest 22nd St, Miami
Hi Jon

No worries any input is helpful. I haven't gone into this for a couple of reasons. The viewer will be able to see both fiddleyards and what happens in them, the main FY to the left which is where the operator will stand will be a cassette based system as this will make life easier to sort out the unlinked spur. I haven't had a chance to upload photos of the actual board itself yet from which you'll notice that unlike most exhibition layouts where the backscene turns 90 deg at the back corner and runs to the front usually with a hole in for the train to pass through into hidden fiddleyards well this isn't the case.

Alot of my influences on US layouts have been from friends locally to me who build small layouts and were ( sadly missed ) well connected with Carl Arendt. Have you seen Haston by C Gilbert That might give you an idea of what I'm building a long with ChicagO fork layout Both of these layout dont have end uprights for the backscene and Chicago fork shows that visual FYs can be well presented. Anyway at exhibition everyone always wants to look over and see whats going on in the FY.

The right hand FY will however for the short term be just a run around loop but probably ballasted so that it looks as though it fits the scene but that it is obviously a FY if you know what I mean. Then in the future a second layout may be built to attached to it.

I'm certainly going for the less is more idea at the moment, have a read of lance mindheim's recent blog entries on his ideas about how to operate a small layout, and then you can see lots of potential. Its all about the details, thats what I hope will make the layout something good to look at.

Thanks Mrbill, one of the main reasons I have chosen the downtown miami type layout is of all the colours that are there I do like industrial layouts but this will be colourful too.

Photos will come soon.

My Miami NW 22nd St layout and modelling blog Please come by and leave a comment.

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